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Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 1:48 pm
by Magnolia
Spirit Keeping is a game-changer for many people in life. The act of opening your life, your home, yourself to someone new is an act of trust, compassion, and a desire to learn & discover. Spirit Keepers, by nature, possess the traits of historians, adventurers and spiritual leaders.

They want to explore the reaches of worlds long passed on Earth, learn about the Universe and all the worlds she holds in her clutches, immerse themselves in the wisdom & experiences of those who have lived hundreds, thousands, and millions of years ago, and they do all of this while absorbing and putting to use the wisdom and grace they come into contact with. By opening their hearts, minds and spirits they gain immeasurable benefit to their personal lives and paranormal journeys. Their spiritual focus and comprehension of all things majestic in terms of beliefs & spiritual understanding solidifies their place in the world.

When you engage Spirit Keepers in discussions you find they are among the most welcoming and understanding of the people you know because they do not live their lives in a fish bowl, they live their lives exploring the thoughts, behaviors, history, and power of worlds within Earth & beyond; therefore experiencing things that divert from the mundane & trivial tasks of existence.

Not everyone finds Spirit Keeping to be immediately rewarding and our goal has always been to help everyone find their own path to being a successful Spirit Keeper. While each person's path will be unique and different there are commonalities shared between all Keepers that will really make a grand difference in your success.

#1 - Expect the unexpected.

One of the more difficult principles in Spirit Keeping for most newcomers to understand is that every spirit is their own person, therefore how & when they manifest is entirely up to them. Not all spirits manifest the same way, engage you in conversation/interaction the same way, etc. One Green Dragon in your keep may engage you completely differently than another Green Dragon in your keep. Likewise, a Green Dragon and a Gryphon will engage you in their own way.

You cannot enter the lifestyle of being a Spirit Keeper and expect everything to be similar or the same. It's no different than engaging different people around you at work, at home, while you're grocery shopping, etc. Each person has a personality, a set of behaviors, etc and likewise so do spirits.

In expecting certain things to happen you are blinding yourself to behaviors or manifestations that are happening. You cannot expect anything and be open to everything in order for you to recognize the unique spirit behavior of each of your companions.

#2 - There are no trumpets & spotlights.

Spirits can manifest in limitless ways, and none of them involve a spotlight with trumpets & a red carpet announcing their arrival. While that would make things infinitely easier for those who feel like they are deaf/blind to spirit activity, it simply isn't how it happens.

Every person has their own abilities when it comes to spiritual activity as well as every spirit has their own way of manifesting. This is the reason you find yourself identifying the presence of some spirits more quickly than others.

You MUST be open to all forms of communication and manifestation; no matter how great or small. Some spirits may be more robust in their interaction and may appear in grander forms, while others are more demure and may manifest in little ways. For this reason you have to be completely open and aware to all manifestations whether they appear actively & incredibly in your dreams, or they move objects around the house, or they appear as little thoughts & ideas in the back of your mind.

Whether you are the most in tune Spirit Keeper or completely blind, your spirits are around you, are with you, and are actively engaged in your life. It's the calm introspection that you welcome within yourself that allows you to see the manifestations around you. When you don't put expectations on what you think a spirit should do, or what your Spirit Keeping journey is going to be like, then you start your real journey. You do not want to create blockages through unrealistic expectations, so it's important to expect the unexpected, be open to any & all manifestations, and actively engage your spirits.

#3 - Their journey is not your journey.

Spirit Keepers should always share their thoughts & journeys as Keepers because it does create an insular field of appreciation and understanding between Keepers. This makes it easier for those who are new, or reassures those who are long-time Keepers, that their journeys are shared in some ways.

However, your journey is your journey to discover, and their journey is not your journey. While sharing experiences can identify and create bonds of solidarity between Keepers it's important to keep in perspective that their journey and what happens to them is not a guarantee the same things will happen to you. It's no different than if you and another Keeper shared a work environment. Your relationships and interactions with your co-workers would be unique & different for each of you. The same with Spirit Keeping. Just because you read someone's experiences with a Hippogryph does not mean your experiences will be the same. Each person & each spirit has their own personality and their own energy signature, therefore each relationship is unique and every Spirit Keeping journey is very unique.

You can gain unilateral knowledge between Keepers through the sharing of experiences, but never measure your success or your relationship through the prism of other Keepers experiences. Your measure of success should always be held by how you feel and how the spirits in your life have enriched your quality of life.

#4 - Patience continues to be a virtue.

Developing a relationship with anyone takes time. With spirits it can be a lot easier because they actively chose to be a part of your life & they are eager to be involved in your life, but it still takes time to establish bonds of communication and trust. Do not expect everything to come immediately and easily. Every spirit is their own person and each relationship will be unique. Don't set unrealistic goals for yourself, be patient, enjoy the discovery of learning about your spirits and allow your journey to unfold naturally.

#5 - No Third Eyes or birth veils needed.

Being a Spirit Keeper does not require any special gifts. You do not need to have your Chakras aligned, you do not need to have a well-developed Third Eye, you do not need to be born with a veil, or have any other special attributes. Having an open Third Eye, or being a natural Medium or Clairvoyant are simply ways of obtaining the information and interactions that you can just as easily receive through your natural 5 senses and through simply opening your mind.

Your spirit companions chose to come you. While they are strangers in the sense you haven't gotten to know all about them yet, they know they are coming to be with you, they chose to come to you, and therefore you're already off to a great start.

Do not put unrealistic goals on yourself or them. Allow relationships to form naturally and engage them by talking to them as you would any friend. You don't have to always talk to them individually, you can talk to them as a group, it's not uncommon to address & engage your entire spirit family.

Your spirits don't leave because you don't have time for them, they already know all about your life and your lifestyle, they're there, don't worry, and they'll be there whether you have no time for them or you have all the time in the world. You're still living your life, they are well aware of that fact, and they interact and engage you any way they can; whether you realize it or not.

#6 - They like to do things too.

Don't be shy to task your spirits. They like to feel like they are part of your life. Whether you are simply going about your day or you have something really important you are working on, you should be asking your spirits for help and giving them things to do. You can set goals to meet or you can leave it open, whatever fits each individual situation.

When you engage your spirits and ask them to be active in your life most Keepers discover they realize manifestations more quickly than if they do not task them. This is one fantastic way to get things started with your spirit family and for you to be more aware and open to their various types of manifestations. Every spirit can manifest in countless ways so when you give them a task to help you with you are more open to their contributions.

Spirit Keeping is a very rewarding lifestyle choice and it's important not to rob yourself of the journey by placing unrealistic expectations on yourself or them, or by closing yourself off because you think you're not doing it right, or by measuring yourself against someone else.

Relax. Trust yourself. Open yourself to experience. Be patient. See even the little things. Change your life.


Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 4:52 pm
by darkwing dook
Yes, especially for the patience and the tasking : )


Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 12:53 am
by LadyDragula
<3 Much needed reassurance! Thank you !


Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 1:11 am
by lragland
Thanks for the great advice!


Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 1:23 am
by Huffette
Great information, Magnolia.

Patience. This is the single most important aspect of any one's life. For everyone, the journey will be different,, bit most importantly, our spirits can teach us in ways other people can't because they can reach out to us in so many new and exciting ways. We just have to be willing to embrace them.


Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 1:33 pm
by elena.rose
wonderful advice thank you for posting this :) <3


Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 2:17 am
by LostAngels
Thank You! I was afraid I chased them away :'(


Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 9:11 am
by Athena Winter
Thank you Magnolia! I really needed this 1ks


Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 11:39 am
by ☆Aytide☆
This is truly what I needed! Somehow I begin to understand my spirits better than ever after reading this :') Thank you so much!

PS: I even bookmarked this on my phone bts xoxo


Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 12:37 pm
by User470
Thank you again, i will always keep it in mind!^^