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Emotinal Freedom Technique (EFT)?

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2019 1:20 am
by jesse1746
I was just wondering if anyone here is familiar with EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique.

If you have used it what are your experiences with using it?

Re: Emotinal Freedom Technique (EFT)?

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2019 4:31 am
by Inedible
For about a month I worked with it one to two hours per night as the expense of some sleep. The improvements did come, but they felt vague and hard to determine. Overall I just felt a little better. It was a lot of work for me to put in and I was using preprepared statements. It does work.

Re: Emotinal Freedom Technique (EFT)?

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2019 5:34 pm
by jesse1746
Inedible wrote:For about a month I worked with it one to two hours per night as the expense of some sleep. The improvements did come, but they felt vague and hard to determine. Overall I just felt a little better. It was a lot of work for me to put in and I was using preprepared statements. It does work.
But it did help with emotional stress issues?

Re: Emotinal Freedom Technique (EFT)?

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2019 6:00 pm
by Inedible
Yes, I was struggling with stress and not enough sleep and too much credit card debt and a job I hated and a difficult relationship with my wife. And all of it did get to be a bit easier. If I had had the confidence to personalize the work to myself instead of using preprepared statements, it might have gotten more done with less work. The main thing I found was that before I was only putting in a few minutes here and there with tapping and it didn't work at all, but when I decided to invest a solid amount of time with it, it helped.

Re: Emotinal Freedom Technique (EFT)?

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2019 9:26 pm
by jesse1746
Inedible wrote:Yes, I was struggling with stress and not enough sleep and too much credit card debt and a job I hated and a difficult relationship with my wife. And all of it did get to be a bit easier. If I had had the confidence to personalize the work to myself instead of using preprepared statements, it might have gotten more done with less work. The main thing I found was that before I was only putting in a few minutes here and there with tapping and it didn't work at all, but when I decided to invest a solid amount of time with it, it helped.
That's good to hear and I hope it can be helpful for me then...

Re: Emotinal Freedom Technique (EFT)?

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2020 11:38 am
by laptop123
I never had any lasting effects from EFT personally. I would suggest having a look at Tension/Trauma release exercise (TRE).

I gathered info on it from Youtube so it did not cost me anything other than time.

I still do it a few times a week and experience benefits clearly compared to where I was.

Re: Emotinal Freedom Technique (EFT)?

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2020 3:17 pm
by Aurum
I'm quite pleased with the results I've had using EFT. I have been able to uncover several memories that have caused blockages for me and in general, I feel it helps with my stress and other problems quite a bit.

Re: Emotinal Freedom Technique (EFT)?

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2022 6:06 pm
by Hazell
I channeled a tapping technique once. I was sitting at the bed of a sick family member, and my mom saw that I was tapping different points on his arm and said it seemed intentional. I looked at her and said, “I really don’t know why, but this is what he needs right now.” I had never looked into EFT before this, but since then it has been a modality I’ve felt interested in/called to.

We looked it up and the points I was tapping were to release grief and sorrow. He was struggling with worries about not being able to support those around him since he had gotten sick, and this had lead to feelings of grief.

I’d be curious if anyone has recommendations on classes or books to further research EFT?

Re: Emotinal Freedom Technique (EFT)?

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2022 7:28 pm
by Redastheday
Hi I've had EFT. I can honestly say it's been fantastic. I was in a seriously bad place. Suicidal didn't want to live. It was the best thing ever. I went through counselling CBT. Didn't touch it.
Then I was introduced to EFT. It turned my life around my thought patterns. I would highly recommend it. Make sure you have someone you feel totally free, comfortable with. Good luck 🤞

Re: Emotinal Freedom Technique (EFT)?

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 3:41 pm
by laptop123
For emotional and stress stuff I would recommend you look at HeartMath. It can be the cheapest investment with giant returns in emotional wellness.

Its the most powerful tool I have found in over a decade of trying to get better. In a few months (it could be much faster) it has done more for me than multiple expensive experts, medication or countless other systems. You just need to use it and use it correctly.

If you go to their website there may be an overwhelming amount of info. Personally I started with their book on anxiety (you can get the kindle version at amazon) and they have tons of books for other problems as well... They also have something free called 'heartmath experience'...and you'll find free stuff from Greg Bradon about this (heart coherence) on youtube.

The secret to this heart coherence stuff from heartmath for me was to use the right keywords for the situations that bothered me. If I had that figured out from day 1, i would have progressed much faster. I eventually made a spreadsheet to list situations that bother me and associated keywords to soothe it.. I would try some keywords and if they did not work, i'd try other ones until i felt something was resolved.

Examples of my favourite (effective) keywords i would focus on:
- When you feel rushed or are rushing: Slow, timeless, calm

Social anxiety:
- Inclusive, worthy, accepted, love, loved, caring, peace, confidence (when you feel loved, someone rejecting you is simply not a big deal).

Medical fears:
- Managed concern, neutral, calm, safe, comfort, caring

On the heartmath website and in their books they give some recommended keywords to use.