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Stopping the Blood

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 4:14 pm
by LadyoftheQuill
I am mainly here because I am curious if anyone else has heard of this folk healing method. I feel that it is probably most closely related to Hoodoo. Basically, there are two traditions in my family, Talking Out the Fire (for burns) and Stopping the Blood (for bleeding).

From the way my family does things, a male can teach a female or a female can teach a male. However, if someone teaches another of the same gender, then they lose the ability altogether.

I finally learned how to stop the blood myself over the winter. Talking out the fire is mostly lost now as the only person who was taught it by my great-grandma apparently forgot. As for stopping the blood, it consists of saying a certain bible verse.

Has anyone else heard of these methods? What other methods run in your families? I'm curious to see how common this type of healing is...

Re: Stopping the Blood

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 6:13 pm
by Dreamerunknown

Re: Stopping the Blood

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2023 1:59 am
by Anonymously anonymous
I have heard of talking out the fire. I think it was a healing method for people who were burned. If I remember correctly the routes are from natives. I have native roots and my great grandmother told me about it. I think talking out the fire is still practiced today. I have never heard of stop the blood. Methods that run in my family is I keep and burn my hair so people can't do hoodoo on me. I also cut my hair in solidarity of someone who has passed. I am not sure if it is particularly healing, but it is to show respect.