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Wordpress Blog

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 9:29 pm
by NyctophiliaRaven
I've been working on some things.

If you're interested in seeing what I've been up to for the past month, feel free to hop on over and take a gander.

Warning - if you do not approve of demonology, stay out of the sections marked Dark Shamanism, and The Road Less Traveled.

Lastly - as with all blogs, the most recent is first... you will need to go back 25 posts and read forward from "Heavy but Not Heavy" to see the entire of the last month's work. The last month is entirely work within Demonology. See the warning above.

This blog includes works of fiction, and heavy and frank discussions about magickal therapy. Please also understand that there will be times when you cannot determine the difference between fiction and therapy, because I work best with imagery and metaphor. It's ok... you can assume it's all real, you can assume it's all fiction. Take it for what you get from it, not for what I think it is.

NOTA BENE: If you are under the age of 18, please do not read posts tagged Porn. These are erotica. Many of them are also tagged Serenity - you have been advised.

Also - because a lot of my writings, fictional and non, deal with trauma, PTSD, and therapy related to these issues, please be advised that while there are no trigger warnings in my posts normally, there probably ARE triggers.
