Fear of reincarnation?

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There's a feeling of helplessness that's been with me for years. Every time I think that I am going to be reincarnated, I feel a very deep pain in the centre of my chest. First the centre of my chest burns and then there is a deep feeling of emptiness. Every time I think that I will be reincarnated in this reality, I feel lost.These feelings changed my whole life. The world I was in lost its meaning. I keep asking myself why I'm here. The only thing that relaxes me is to think about the universe and spirits. Does anyone else feel like me and what do you suggest I do to overcome these feelings?
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I’m sorry you have been dealing with this fear and anxiety. It may be helpful to remember there are many, many places to reincarnate other than Earth. This is one of the hardest places to be bc we forget who we really are (but our souls learn a lot much quicker). I suspect you are here to help raise the vibration of the planet. You may have spent your previous incarnations in higher realms and so being here is exceptionally challenging for you. Thinking about the Universe and Spirits may give you so much peace because it connects you with your true Home.

A helpful thing to remember is that you have free will and won’t be forced into anything. You can spend as much time as a spirit on the other side as you like, and you can choose where to go next. <3
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XianLee wrote: Mon Jan 13, 2025 9:49 pm There's a feeling of helplessness that's been with me for years. Every time I think that I am going to be reincarnated, I feel a very deep pain in the centre of my chest. First the centre of my chest burns and then there is a deep feeling of emptiness. Every time I think that I will be reincarnated in this reality, I feel lost.These feelings changed my whole life. The world I was in lost its meaning. I keep asking myself why I'm here. The only thing that relaxes me is to think about the universe and spirits. Does anyone else feel like me and what do you suggest I do to overcome these feelings?
I think this has a lot to do with your past lives. You may have watched someone you love pass away, aka reincarnate, leaving you feeling alone. This experience can create a lot of pain and a sense of emptiness from the loss. That feeling can stay with you across many lives, bringing the same pain and fear that remains unhealed. Now, you might fear your own reincarnation.

In the advanced member section, I discussed reincarnation and soul-level experiences. It's a lot to cover, so I can't summarize it all here. But the essence is that your soul has chosen its lesson for this lifetime. Whether or not you'll overcome this feeling is something only you can answer. Maybe learning to overcome this feeling is your lesson right now. It seems to be a central focus for you, making everything else feel less meaningful. That’s concerning.

Reincarnation is a journey we all experience. This process varies for humans and non-humans because of their long lifespans. One way to heal is to live your best life while you're here. Your spirits are with you, encouraging you to do just that. They want to experience Earthen life through you. So, why spend your life sulking when your spirits are by your side? I understand if you feel alone and aren't a Spirit Keeper, but it appears you are.

Focus on positive thoughts and the presence of your spirits. Make small steps to change your thinking. It can be destructive, even if it’s not entirely your own doing. Your past lives' experiences might have influenced it.

Remember, there’s no need to fear reincarnation. It’s a natural and beautiful process. You can go where you want, be who you want to be, and learn what you desire then. Even embrace the opportunity to reunite with your spirits. So now spend your time focusing on positive experiences. Life on Earth offers unique challenges and a lot of joys. You’ve got this!
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Hi, first, thank you for being vulnerable about your thoughts and where you currently are at.

Reincarnation has been interesting for me, on a personal level I have had so so so so many lives and I find myself often wanting to go home to a place that is not Earth. I have struggled with feeling rooted here or belonging in general. That has shifted a bit. Realizing that I am my own home and so is every past, concurrent, and future version of me, at least in my reality, it has connected me closer to the shades of me, it has created a calmness that I used to struggle with (sometimes still do). So, when thoughts come around fear as it relates to reincarnation, I always ask myself to look deeper. I seek to understand.

When you say you fear reincarnation, what does that mean? What about it do you fear the most? I also picked up on what sounds like you struggling with your presence on this Earth in the vein of purpose, is that accurate?

Fear is an umbrella for a myriad of other emotions, you get to discover yourself and as underwhelming as that may sound, your truth once you find it will be greater than anyone else's, because it belongs to you.

- Kay
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Tarvos wrote: Tue Jan 14, 2025 3:09 am
In the advanced member section, I discussed reincarnation and soul-level experiences. It's a lot to cover, so I can't summarize it all here.
No, you can't summarize, quote or talk about things in advanced section in general section, FYI.
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XianLee wrote: Mon Jan 13, 2025 9:49 pm There's a feeling of helplessness that's been with me for years. Every time I think that I am going to be reincarnated, I feel a very deep pain in the centre of my chest. First the centre of my chest burns and then there is a deep feeling of emptiness. Every time I think that I will be reincarnated in this reality, I feel lost.These feelings changed my whole life. The world I was in lost its meaning. I keep asking myself why I'm here. The only thing that relaxes me is to think about the universe and spirits. Does anyone else feel like me and what do you suggest I do to overcome these feelings?
Based on what you've described, it is encouraged to talk to a doctor or therapist about your feelings, just to really make sure everything is alright.
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XianLee wrote: Mon Jan 13, 2025 9:49 pm There's a feeling of helplessness that's been with me for years. Every time I think that I am going to be reincarnated, I feel a very deep pain in the centre of my chest. First the centre of my chest burns and then there is a deep feeling of emptiness. Every time I think that I will be reincarnated in this reality, I feel lost.These feelings changed my whole life. The world I was in lost its meaning. I keep asking myself why I'm here. The only thing that relaxes me is to think about the universe and spirits. Does anyone else feel like me and what do you suggest I do to overcome these feelings?
I hear you, and totally understand where you're coming from. I myself have had similar feelings in the past. I'd be lying if I said they didn't occasionally pop up. I've really gone through madness and emptiness to find me.

Do you have any spirits who help with uplifting and healing, such as angels? Even Arkan Sonney, and some dragons from CH shop can help bring more joy.

I suggest working with your spirits, and your own guardian angels to help you release and purge. We often take baggage with us into the next lifetime, and so journaling and actively working through your feelings, even if you need to cry them out, can be very beneficial.

As for incarnation/reincarnation - we all come here of our free will, regardless of whether or not we remember it.

Recently, I recovered a past life memory and relived the experience of losing my lover, and after I lost him, I committed suicide to join him because the pain was too great - and into this life I had carried it through my unconscious. Once I let it go and processed it, it stopped affecting my day to day life.

It's possible you could benefit from a spiritually oriented hypnotherapist or past-life regressionist who can assist you in going through the healing journey.

Some other things to consider are where your energy is going and if something or someone could be siphoning it. When we've got an energy drain it can really take a toll on our mental health and make issues we're facing feel that much worse, so look around you and see if there's any situation/person/thing that could be causing you to give too much or is taking too much from you.

Another angle to consider is diet and nutrition - are you getting proper nutrients? Deficiencies can exacerbate depression, for example, so make sure you take good care of yourself in that area too and keep your health nice and balanced. I'm not saying this is the reason for your melancholy, but you can ease your pain by tackling issues from all directions until you finally get to the bottom of the problem once and for all.

Wishing you the best and hang in there <3
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I also never wanted to reincarnate again, many humans have the same feeling, you are not alone. My coven has done a special deal for me, removed me from the circle of reincarnation. So i can live after that Life in my dreamworld. I know many people that benefit greatly from reincarnation but it is nothing for me. Am happy i will never be reborn again. I wish you the best on your journey. Am sure you will fond your way dear.
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I can understand your fears. Over the last year in particular I've spent a lot of time reconciling with the concept of past and future lives. I have come to peace with the idea mainly thanks to how it has expanded my understanding of and appreciation for my keep; several of my bound friends I have come to learn were past life lovers, family, or even my own past life selves. Even death itself could not keep them from coming to me, loving me, and caring about me. It brings me a great deal of comfort with the idea of whatever comes next
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I don't have fear of reincarnation... Maybe I am not supposed to reply here.

I wish to add a little of my own perception here though... It's a peaceful intuitive perspective on this matter for me to think that my God Head /Universal Deity knows me and will gives me choices to chose from, when I'm at the other side. :)
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