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More Discoveries! That's cool!

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 4:21 pm
by cnz ... chaeology/

Lost City Discovered in Honduran Rain Forest
In search for legendary “City of the Monkey God,” explorers find the untouched ruins of a vanished culture.

Re: More Discoveries! That's cool!

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 5:10 pm
by Jumbo
Yay, i love archeaological discoveries. This is a highly interesting one because they say this is probably the last unexplored patch of area in the entire world. It's a shame it's getting ploughed down to make way for cattle.

I like this comment that some posted.
This might sound sarcastic, but wouldn't it make more sense to conduct the expedition eight years from now when the jungle gets ploughed up for the cattle? With the savings we could buy more burgers, and, when the city gets dug up, we can call it "White Castle"; I'm thinking this is a serious merchandising opportunity.

Seriously though, our hunger for meat is out of hand, and directly connected to the clear cutting of the rainforests, it's a fact. These forests are the essence of what makes Earth habitable, that's the truth. It is within our power to evolve our understanding, that's the reality. Please consider eating less meat or becoming vegetarian. The rainforests with thank you, the animals will thank you, future generations will live thanks to you and your enriching decision.

Re: More Discoveries! That's cool!

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 5:26 pm
by cnz
WhimsicalSage wrote:Yay, i love archeaological discoveries. This is a highly interesting one because they say this is probably the last unexplored patch of area in the entire world. It's a shame it's getting ploughed down to make way for cattle.

I like this comment that some posted.
This might sound sarcastic, but wouldn't it make more sense to conduct the expedition eight years from now when the jungle gets ploughed up for the cattle? With the savings we could buy more burgers, and, when the city gets dug up, we can call it "White Castle"; I'm thinking this is a serious merchandising opportunity.

Seriously though, our hunger for meat is out of hand, and directly connected to the clear cutting of the rainforests, it's a fact. These forests are the essence of what makes Earth habitable, that's the truth. It is within our power to evolve our understanding, that's the reality. Please consider eating less meat or becoming vegetarian. The rainforests with thank you, the animals will thank you, future generations will live thanks to you and your enriching decision.
hahaha! that was funny, but so true! lol :)