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Important -- how to unbind spirits from a seller who refuses to unbind them

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 1:47 pm
by Yhwh
This spellcaster I know is very disloyal and bound spirits who she refuses to unbind, and may have bound to me thoughtforms, and other spirits that I didn't ask for... Anyone specialize in unbinding spirits not bound by the same spellcaster?

Re: Important -- how to unbind spirits from a seller who refuses to unbind them

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2018 2:20 pm
by Magnolia
I know you wrote into helpdesk about this issue as well. It really depends on how the spirits or thoughtforms were bound to determine whether or not they could be unbound by someone other than the practitioner.

You have to be mindful and thoughtful when you choose a practitioner to work with. This is your life, your essence, your spirit, your journey, and when you give someone permission to come into your life in that very intimate and special way, you want to make sure you are working with reputable practitioners.

I am not sure who the seller in question is, but you should try to resolve the issue with them first. If you cannot contact them through email then you should reach out through social media to request an unbinding of what was done.

Re: Important -- how to unbind spirits from a seller who refuses to unbind them

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2019 9:08 pm
by Catgirl2
Thank You for the wonderful advise! I know what you are talking about-it's hard to undo something Magickal that I didn't cast & depending on the Spell it can be one that is permanent, just needs to ride itself out (depending on why it was cast), or uncast by the one that did the spell or conjuring!