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Add an additional subforum for experiences

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 6:24 pm
by AltarCat
It seems that some people prefer to read topics aimed at asking questions or proposing new theories/tips/learning while others prefer ones that are aimed at experiences.

I'd like to propose an added subforum to each spirit species category (Dragons, Creatures, Angels) That is titled Experiences (Angel Experiences in the angel category, Dragon Experiences in the dragon category) so those who have threads with the topic containing nothing more than an experience or question about an experience they've had.

It would also decongest the main subforum for these categories and help people find what topics they're looking to read easier.

Whacha think?

Re: Add an additional subforum for experiences

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 7:36 pm
by Killa
I think the Idea itself is good. But I dont think it's necessary for this forum . Most people(Mainly the Active Posters) Navigate around this forum through "View Active Topics." So the new "Experience" threads will be on Top for the most part, And It's Inevitable to come across if the title itself is interesting.

I dont see why we should be resorted to take these type of mesaures though. But we'll see where it goes.

Re: Add an additional subforum for experiences

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 7:40 pm
by AltarCat
Killarican wrote:I think the Idea itself is good. But I dont think it's necessary for this forum . Most people(Mainly the Active Posters) Navigate around this forum through "View Active Topics." So the new "Experience" threads will be on Top for the most part, And It's Inevitable to come across if the title itself is interesting.

I dont see why we should be resorted to take these type of mesaures though. But we'll see where it goes.
Right but when you go to active topics, etc you can see thread title and below where its located. So if someone wishes to avoid experience threads altogether they could easily see where its located and what the content should be about.
I'm impartial to the situation, personally. But Some days I do just want to read up on experiences, others I'm looking for something that makes me think. The "Filter" it would create would help me out bunches

Re: Add an additional subforum for experiences

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 7:58 pm
by Ashino Tsume roshi
TreeLeafe wrote:
Killarican wrote:I think the Idea itself is good. But I dont think it's necessary for this forum . Most people(Mainly the Active Posters) Navigate around this forum through "View Active Topics." So the new "Experience" threads will be on Top for the most part, And It's Inevitable to come across if the title itself is interesting.

I dont see why we should be resorted to take these type of mesaures though. But we'll see where it goes.
Right but when you go to active topics, etc you can see thread title and below where its located. So if someone wishes to avoid experience threads altogether they could easily see where its located and what the content should be about.
I'm impartial to the situation, personally. But Some days I do just want to read up on experiences, others I'm looking for something that makes me think. The "Filter" it would create would help me out bunches
This is only necessary in a non-adult world. The world is real, we should deal with it that way. If people are so thin-skinned that they cannot disagree without going to pieces or without insulting the other persons....and so fence are all over the place, then count me out. How difficult is it to look at a broken brick in the sidewalk and simply walk around it???

Re: Add an additional subforum for experiences

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 8:30 pm
by DarkAddictions
I am all up for that, if it will help keep the peace..I just wish people would just do as Caiyros said.."Just bypass the broken brick"

I figure there might always be some person who disagrees on way or another. But I say go for it.

Re: Add an additional subforum for experiences

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 8:37 pm
by Merlaighn
Sadly, instead of bypassing the said "broken brick" people pick it up and throw it. Honestly, that is just human nature. I like the subforum idea as it would help keep all experiences together in a central location.

Re: Add an additional subforum for experiences

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 9:55 pm
by Noctua
I am not too fond of the idea because it suggests that a thread can't develop into whatever may come of it, and should stick to one thing or the other.
Many times when people post threads on experiences, it develops and goes off into different tangents, other ideas are inspired or come along as the discussion naturally flows - and I think that is very healthy. You can't always assume that just because the initial post is about an experience, that something more has not come of it or will not come of it.

Not all subjects of this nature end up in heated argument, and very few times would I find the argument that arises unnecessary even if that does occur.
The fact is though that you never know what will result of ANY thread... any thread can lead to anything. If you expect a thread to veer away from considering ideas you feel are not initially suggested by the original content, you could be missing out on a lot by choosing to overlook it. If you try to *control* such posts from going into other realms of thought, it is a bit of a disservice to everyone in holding back what great things could potentially come of it.

Any thread can lead to an argument, and any thread can lead to intelligent discussions. So unless you plan to have admins keeping on top of everything and suppressing any idea that comes up that goes outside the confines of the original topic (as it is immediately perceived..which can still even vary from person to person depending on the details) in some way, I think that - looking at it objectively - it would be useless in terms of succeeding with what you want out of this, regardless of what my personal opinion on the subject is.

Re: Add an additional subforum for experiences

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 10:02 pm
by Noctua
NoctemAeternus wrote:
Any thread can lead to an argument, and any thread can lead to intelligent discussions. So unless you plan to have admins keeping on top of everything and suppressing any idea that comes up that goes outside the confines of the original topic (as it is immediately perceived..which can still even vary from person to person depending on the details) in some way, I think that - looking at it objectively - it would be useless in terms of succeeding with what you want out of this, regardless of what my personal opinion on the subject is.
It won't let me edit so I want to point this portion out ^
and clarify that, I did mean for this to apply to the basic idea you bring forward initially regarding separating experiences from other subject matter (I didn't lose sight of that), not only the idea of separating what you deem as intelligent/worthwhile discussions from what can turn into something you do not like. It just seemed this thread was developing into including that as well with the subsequent comments.

Re: Add an additional subforum for experiences

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 10:23 pm
by Magnolia
I think it's a good suggestion, but for those who don't always post where they should be posting I think a better solution is for all of us to be helpful to the authors of posts & make sure if the person has a question it gets answered! If a post does fill up with experiences rather than answers to make sure that the author receives the original information they were searching for.

Re: Add an additional subforum for experiences

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 10:23 pm
by sadlotus79
personally i am against the idea. i just avoid the threads i do not wish to read. :thumbup: