- Regholdain
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- Number of Spirits: 35
- Spelled Number: 40
- Your favorite spirit to work with: Demons
- If I could be anything, I would be...: Human. :)
- My super power would be...: See spirits in true form
It makes very good sense to me. I would have had no idea what Spirit Keeping is before July of this year, and likely would be very amiss if I had not done quite a bit of digging in these forums and used a healthy dose of common sense.
- Likes2Read
- sanctified
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- Number of Spirits: 0
- Spelled Number: 0
- My super power would be...: Ability to shape-shift
- Zodiac:
It’s bad enough that there are magic-inclined folks who are dead set against Spirit Keeping, in its entirety. They call it evil and slavery and “spirits trapped in jewelry”, when it is none of those things. It’s neither evil nor slavery if the contract was freely entered into by both parties, and the spirits are not IN the vessels as though they were fireflies in a jar. They’re wherever it pleases them to be.
Anyway, it’s bad enough that outside detractors tear keeping down, without understanding or desiring to understand. We don’t need to create controversy amongst ourselves.
Anyway, it’s bad enough that outside detractors tear keeping down, without understanding or desiring to understand. We don’t need to create controversy amongst ourselves.
Visit The Lightworker's Sphere on Etsy for my handmade wands, metaphysical gemstone jewelry, and meditation binaural/isochronic audio files.
- BloodDragon
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- Number of Spirits: 30
- Spelled Number: 12
- Your favorite spirit to work with: All
- If I could be anything, I would be...: Demon
- My super power would be...: Ability to fly
- My magical/paranormal name...: Astra
- Zodiac:
I believe you misunderstood me and how i am. I do not represent any of these things. I simply think it is important to consider when working with different paths and belief systems(such as the clear standards you mention). Wether some keep it seperate i have notice just as many do not. My shop is nothing like that and yes i will be here in many years because i am responsible for what i do and those i guide. I do not guide people on these concepts(because i feel it would wrong to guide on telling them how to think). I teach that everyone is unique and different. Which is true not everyones journey is not going to be the same. I don't and would never build my community around any of those thing. i was purely mentioning them. So that way any confusion might be assisted by your knowledge due to how much experience you guys do have. I also do not sell these ideas because that would be wrong on so many levels. I was merely mentioning where this idea orginates from. I think it is important though for people(with such beliefs) to understand instead of be confused. which is why i posted. I appreciate you taking your time to clear matters up and further elaborate for those who do think this way. I also do Spiritkeep for the reasons you stated. I apologize if you to think i am like that as it was never my intention as i stated i enjoy this community and love the amount of work you all have put in. It is hard to find places that take such pride and have such relics from estates. Which is why i so support this community and decided to join. You offer of invaluable expertise to us all no matter expierence level or belief set.
Brightest Blessings.

Brightest Blessings.
- BloodDragon
- neophyte
- Posts: 191
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- You are...: experienced
- Number of Spirits: 30
- Spelled Number: 12
- Your favorite spirit to work with: All
- If I could be anything, I would be...: Demon
- My super power would be...: Ability to fly
- My magical/paranormal name...: Astra
- Zodiac:
This is beautiful Magnolia and this is why i joined because. I could tell this community was precisely what it stated and that is very important to me. I also agree with you on this statement. I think it is important for people like this to be separate from those types of individual paths mentioned. Thank you for the knowledge you share with us all.

creepyhollows wrote:I have found it enlightening as well. I have heard discussion of some of the fringe ideas and beliefs with various relationships with spirits, and it is not to discredit what someone else chooses to believe, it's just a matter of defining what the majority is Spirit Keeping for and what Spirit Keeping means on a majority scale.
I think if someone has beliefs that include things like the astral pregnancy, they should be explored through their own means, but the majority of Spirit Keepers aren't keeping the companionship of spirits to be pregnant, or to marry them, or to abuse them, or any like that. For those reasons alone I believe they should be their own thing and their own path.
I think a collective guardianship of what Spirit Keeping is, from now & moving forward, is essential to protecting the beliefs Spirit Keepers hold, because otherwise no one really knows what it is & what it means and someone can define Spirit Keeping as something terrible that none of us believe in. I hope that makes sense.
- Regholdain
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- Male/Female: Male
- Number of Spirits: 35
- Spelled Number: 40
- Your favorite spirit to work with: Demons
- If I could be anything, I would be...: Human. :)
- My super power would be...: See spirits in true form
It's off topic, but I have to say: This is the purest example of a true dialog, an actual intelligent discourse, that I have seen in a long time. The ability to discuss divergent opinions and experiences, and in the end to remain respectful and appreciative of all parties, without the need for attacking or name calling or attempting to tear someone down. I have felt over the last few years that our society has forgotten this concept - that is, a scholarly debate, if you will, and mutual respect. It's nice to see that it still exists.
- Catgirl2
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- You are...: in the learning process
- Number of Spirits: 22
- Spelled Number: 22
- Your favorite spirit to work with: Masheba Shifter
- If I could be anything, I would be...: Not quite sure?
- My super power would be...: See spirits in true form
- My magical/paranormal name...: I believe Catgirl may be it-a nickname I got years ago!
- Zodiac:
I agree with you Regholdain! And to agree it's ok to disagree with something for whatever reason is ok as long as it's not putting someone down or belittling them!
- Oriana_Starr
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- Posts: 175
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- Number of Spirits: 200
- Spelled Number: 200
- Your favorite spirit to work with: I love them all!
- If I could be anything, I would be...: Mermaid
- My super power would be...: Ability to fly
- My magical/paranormal name...: Oriana/Ori
- Zodiac:
Oh wow! What a wonderful discussion! Thank you all for your insightful posts! Even if we don’t all agree on every single aspect, it’s awesome to see things from various perspectives! There is so much drama and negativity going on right now in the meta community, especially on social platforms, and speaking up or asking questions can literally get you kicked/banned from said platforms, which in my humble opinion, is completely ridiculous. Questioning things is not just important, it’s essential for all of us, no matter what our level of experience may be!! If we don’t discuss these things with others how can we expect to learn and grow?
It’s SO nice to see that everyone at CH is open to discussing these types of things and that we all have a “safe place” for these types of discussions! I’ve found from being a part of other groups over time that most (but certainly not all!) do not seem to be very comfortable with other viewpoints and don’t seem to be open to giving answers/advice on topics that they may not agree with. Even though Mags sees things differently than blooddragon, she was kind enough to express that in a civil manner, which resulted in a fantastic and educational conversation which is so rare these days. Thank you all for sharing your thoughts on this topic! 1ht
It’s SO nice to see that everyone at CH is open to discussing these types of things and that we all have a “safe place” for these types of discussions! I’ve found from being a part of other groups over time that most (but certainly not all!) do not seem to be very comfortable with other viewpoints and don’t seem to be open to giving answers/advice on topics that they may not agree with. Even though Mags sees things differently than blooddragon, she was kind enough to express that in a civil manner, which resulted in a fantastic and educational conversation which is so rare these days. Thank you all for sharing your thoughts on this topic! 1ht
~ Whimsical Wonders ~
Enchanted Creations ~ Healing ~ Attunements
“Oh darling,
The darkness is a gift,
And when you realise this,
You will never be defeated
Again.” ~ Nikki Rowe
“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.” - Cheshire Cat
Enchanted Creations ~ Healing ~ Attunements

“Oh darling,
The darkness is a gift,
And when you realise this,
You will never be defeated
Again.” ~ Nikki Rowe
“Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.” - Cheshire Cat
- Catgirl2
- venerated member
- Posts: 2364
- Joined: Sat Apr 15, 2017 1:25 am
- 7
- You are...: in the learning process
- Number of Spirits: 22
- Spelled Number: 22
- Your favorite spirit to work with: Masheba Shifter
- If I could be anything, I would be...: Not quite sure?
- My super power would be...: See spirits in true form
- My magical/paranormal name...: I believe Catgirl may be it-a nickname I got years ago!
- Zodiac:
I so agree with you Oriana! I also have notice some drama & bad behavior as well-on & off the board of social platforms! I had recommended Sylvia Browne's books to someone recently, I may not agree with a lot of her opinions or how she went about things but I do believe her experience & advise can benefit someone in many ways-but she may be another topic too because at one point she was listed as a con artist looking to separate her clients from their money!
- AvalonKnight
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- Male/Female: Male
- Number of Spirits: 13
- Spelled Number: 20
- Your favorite spirit to work with: Succubus, Bronwyn
- My super power would be...: See spirits in true form
- My magical/paranormal name...: Avalon Knight
- Zodiac:
I really do appreciate threads like this because no one will ever know all there is to know about the spirit world, and relatively newly acquainted keepers such as myself are on an eternal learning mission, and I'm so grateful to have found this amazing community as I've been able to sense spirits for around 15 years and it's only since finding creepy hollows have I found the Answers, support and the spirit family I now adore. I will always have questions, always but a couple that have been playing on my mind for along while are
1. I asked one of the spirits in my family how we both know English and she told me we are speaking very different languages, but our minds are linked in such a way that we are translating on a base level the exact raw ideas behind the words and our minds are giving it to us in our own Language. Is this known to be correct?
2. I see almost every race you would find in fantasy novels, myths, legends and folklore are kept as spirits and living entities by keepers, and advertised as bindings here. How is this possible? How did authors throughout history know of them? Were they spiritually sensititive? This is something I've wanted to know since I arrived here.
I love being a part of this community, thank you magnolia for making this place what it is
1. I asked one of the spirits in my family how we both know English and she told me we are speaking very different languages, but our minds are linked in such a way that we are translating on a base level the exact raw ideas behind the words and our minds are giving it to us in our own Language. Is this known to be correct?
2. I see almost every race you would find in fantasy novels, myths, legends and folklore are kept as spirits and living entities by keepers, and advertised as bindings here. How is this possible? How did authors throughout history know of them? Were they spiritually sensititive? This is something I've wanted to know since I arrived here.
I love being a part of this community, thank you magnolia for making this place what it is
- darkwing dook
- sanctified
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- Male/Female: It's a Secret
- Zodiac:
Yes.AvalonKnight wrote: 1. I asked one of the spirits in my family how we both know English and she told me we are speaking very different languages, but our minds are linked in such a way that we are translating on a base level the exact raw ideas behind the words and our minds are giving it to us in our own Language. Is this known to be correct?
For example, "rice". It has many words in other languages. Some even differentiate the terms of rice the plant, rice the raw ingredient, and rice the food. But for those who don't know what rice is, they may compare it with bread, wheat, etc. to get the idea.
And some message may be transmitted through visual instead of audio. So the image of rice, if translated as food, will be used to convey the idea of food, even though it doesn't mean they know what rice is : )
Fantasy novel is different from myth, legend, and folklore since it's more modern. It usually borrows from them to be used in making new fictions as the author sees fit.AvalonKnight wrote:2. I see almost every race you would find in fantasy novels, myths, legends and folklore are kept as spirits and living entities by keepers, and advertised as bindings here. How is this possible? How did authors throughout history know of them? Were they spiritually sensititive? This is something I've wanted to know since I arrived here.
Myth, legend, and folklore are more tradition-based. They reflect the local culture, belief, and experience of the local community, and are used as an aspect of religions, as moral stories, etc. Some of them might have been based on real experiences or real events of unrecorded history, but decorated to make them more interesting for listeners : )
"Often the truth is in front of your face, but your eyes and heart are so full of lies that you can't see it." Shannon L. Alder
"May you live in interesting times, may you be recognized by people in high places, may you find what you’re looking for."
"May you live in interesting times, may you be recognized by people in high places, may you find what you’re looking for."