Siofra's Magic Alcove on YouTube

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Your favorite spirit to work with: Woodland Elves
If I could be anything, I would be...: Elf
My super power would be...: Laser-beam eyes

This is not my experience, but one I have watched on this channel. She is a much older lady who has lots of experiences encountering various spirits. In this video she talks about encountering Dragon spirits, Nature spirits and all. In a lot of her videos she often talks about an elf who visits her occasionally. She is able to physically see these spirits in our realm using an her astral eyes. She seems genuine in her travels and experiences, and love listening to her stories and wise words on magic. I figured it would be an interesting video or channel for some of you people to watch in your free time. To me she seems like an interesting wealth of knowledge to learn from, and I hope you feel the same! :)

This is Siofra's Magic Alcove
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Male/Female: It's a Secret
Number of Spirits: 4
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My super power would be...: Ability to shape-shift

Thank you for posting this, I've been looking for YouTubers that talk about spirit experiences. Not enough of them out there in my opinion.

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