Practicing my drawing skills

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My super power would be...: Ability to shape-shift
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I have walked the paths of time but have never found a soul that shines as bright as yours
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Your favorite spirit to work with: Succubus
My super power would be...: See spirits in true form

87 Succubus
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Hi guys sorry , my grandmom was admitted to hospital and she passed , it was a very difficult time so I couldn't be online. Will take your requests soon.
@ glitch sorry for the delay, please bear with me, will post your drawing up soon :)
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My super power would be...: Read other's minds
My magical/paranormal name...: Melinda

I'm sorry for your loss Angelic
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If I could be anything, I would be...: Dragon
My super power would be...: Ability to shape-shift
My magical/paranormal name...: Leonus Darkwatch

Im sorry to hear about you loss as well ,Take the time you need to heal ,we'll be here :-)
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My Condolences, please take all the time you need.
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If I could be anything, I would be...: A shapeshifter, duh
My super power would be...: Ability to shape-shift

Oh dang sorry but keep your head up I'm sure she would want you to be happy
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Less weeds, more blooms, make a change in the world or your not gonna like yourself- From My Waif Fairy



*gotta go fast ladywo1f gotta go fast*
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angelic wrote:Hi guys sorry , my grandmom was admitted to hospital and she passed , it was a very difficult time so I couldn't be online. Will take your requests soon.
@ glitch sorry for the delay, please bear with me, will post your drawing up soon :)
Sorry for your loss too, till today before roaming the forum, i did not knew this.
Take care of you and your beloved ones.
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angelic wrote: Mon Apr 09, 2018 6:43 am Hi guys,

I just saw a post on someone giving drawings of spirits. I want to practice some of my skills too here, so I am going to give this a try as well here.
This is only for entertainment and I would ask you to bear with me. I need the name/ initial, race of spirit only. I can only promise to do 3 drawings in a week, but if I can manage some more time I will do more.
I have picked ten numbers between 1-100. The ones who are able to guess these numbers will get this done for me. After the first ten drawings, if this is successful, I will do another round.

I might also draw for those whom I am drawn to anyways, so it's not to bad to try. I might get some practice and it should be fun.

This is for entertainment only.
85! Am I too late X..X
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