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I was venturing through YouTube videos on the subject of spirit keeping. I came across a young lady. I would be surprised if she was over eighteen years old. She said that creatures like Fae or Centaurs, ect. don't exist because they are actually human spirits that have been programmed and tortured to be something they are not. She has a job to free these "slaves" cleanse them from their past sins, and keepers are slave traders. She just spout off a bunch of ridiculous stuff. I gave her a response and she said that I was just like everyone else who's a keeper. People like that just make me cringe lol.
It just comes to show that ignorance and misinformation is everywhere and caution is your ally.
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This is a must read for new people like myself. Thank you for sharing.
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Thank you for this thread. When I got my first Companion, there were quite a few times I was afraid he had left me. Through either boredom or annoyance that I'm not psychically gifted. I'm lucky that I talked to the original conjuror and didn't fall prey to somebody who exploited my fears.
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Yeah I'm curious what to do. I feel spirits coming to me I remember I opened myself up to it years ago. I had an experience with a being I believe a succubus for 3 nights then nothing. The following year I have it in November but I get told I'm the archangel Raphael incarnated that I have many wives. Then i get shown that my eyes are a color that starts with T that looks chrysoprase. Then I get scared and get fed delusions. Ended you getting possessed by I believe a marine octopus spirit. I think I dispelled it. Then I end up getting told I have worms in my body that they need to get rid of and a tentacle in my brain. Yeah it was pretty bad. Family had to help with an intervention and did prayer. I remember 3 spirits entering my body. I was tricked. It's weird because it felt like a Karmic reset. Possession and a bad trip all at once. I had to face fear along with poor decisions and negative choices I made and change myself. Someone told me it was the equivalent of a bad trip and ego death. But yeah since then I've got my faculties but I believe myself to be clairvoyant as I can communicate with them. I think I have an unbound succubus attached to me. Wondering how you determine which beings you've "gotten"with. It's hard to determine what's what. I apparently had to purge some out but yeah. I'm raised christian I pray and stuff but I tend to have an open mind because of the psychic abilities I've had since I was a kid. Just curious on anyone's takes. I feel like my 3rd eye and crown are activated and I've had the pressure on the areas that are annoying feels like a magnet. I also feel like my "antenna" IE on. I never done rituals, never did any sort of magic. I had a friend who opened my 3rd eye and my hand points I think or he did something not sure. Then after gave me two pendants with his energy and he does both types of magics. I was told in a reading the female spirit around me didn't appear human. Maybe it's the Ubi. Any words aside of prayer that can dispell negative entities. I've caught said Ubi lying more than once saying she's another Ubi or Angel etc. Pretending to be other spirits. Idk since she's lied more than once. But yeah I have no skill or practice magic. Supposedly I can do readings but I don't do them. Pretty much curious about the best protection.
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Crossover93 wrote: Wed Feb 01, 2023 1:21 am Yeah I'm curious what to do. I feel spirits coming to me I remember I opened myself up to it years ago. I had an experience with a being I believe a succubus for 3 nights then nothing. The following year I have it in November but I get told I'm the archangel Raphael incarnated that I have many wives. Then i get shown that my eyes are a color that starts with T that looks chrysoprase. Then I get scared and get fed delusions. Ended you getting possessed by I believe a marine octopus spirit. I think I dispelled it. Then I end up getting told I have worms in my body that they need to get rid of and a tentacle in my brain. Yeah it was pretty bad. Family had to help with an intervention and did prayer. I remember 3 spirits entering my body. I was tricked. It's weird because it felt like a Karmic reset. Possession and a bad trip all at once. I had to face fear along with poor decisions and negative choices I made and change myself. Someone told me it was the equivalent of a bad trip and ego death. But yeah since then I've got my faculties but I believe myself to be clairvoyant as I can communicate with them. I think I have an unbound succubus attached to me. Wondering how you determine which beings you've "gotten"with. It's hard to determine what's what. I apparently had to purge some out but yeah. I'm raised christian I pray and stuff but I tend to have an open mind because of the psychic abilities I've had since I was a kid. Just curious on anyone's takes. I feel like my 3rd eye and crown are activated and I've had the pressure on the areas that are annoying feels like a magnet. I also feel like my "antenna" IE on. I never done rituals, never did any sort of magic. I had a friend who opened my 3rd eye and my hand points I think or he did something not sure. Then after gave me two pendants with his energy and he does both types of magics. I was told in a reading the female spirit around me didn't appear human. Maybe it's the Ubi. Any words aside of prayer that can dispell negative entities. I've caught said Ubi lying more than once saying she's another Ubi or Angel etc. Pretending to be other spirits. Idk since she's lied more than once. But yeah I have no skill or practice magic. Supposedly I can do readings but I don't do them. Pretty much curious about the best protection.
I'm sorry to hear about the difficult time you've had. I'm also interested in what made you think you had all of those problems, or that any of the information you received was reliable? Was it what other people told you, did you use a pendulum or spirit communication board to ask questions, or did you have those thoughts yourself?

As you may know, unless someone is good at such things, it's all too easy to get inaccurate results or info.

I've tried to isolate your questions. Have I got them right?

Q1 "Wondering how you determine which beings you've "gotten"with. It's hard to determine what's what. "

CH have this listing...

Q2 "Pretty much curious about the best protection."

You can learn diy self protection, or buy protection spell bindings (eg from CH), or get specialist protection Volkhs & Courtwind Angels.

Also there's this very good, free How To, called the Ultimate In Protection For Anyone To Use, which deals with many paranormal issues.


Or you can contact CH support and ask for their advice or help:
Not the resident expert. Just another spirit keeper. Since 2017.

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Crossover93 wrote: Wed Feb 01, 2023 1:21 am Yeah I'm curious what to do. I feel spirits coming to me I remember I opened myself up to it years ago. I had an experience with a being I believe a succubus for 3 nights then nothing. The following year I have it in November but I get told I'm the archangel Raphael incarnated that I have many wives. Then i get shown that my eyes are a color that starts with T that looks chrysoprase. Then I get scared and get fed delusions. Ended you getting possessed by I believe a marine octopus spirit. I think I dispelled it. Then I end up getting told I have worms in my body that they need to get rid of and a tentacle in my brain. Yeah it was pretty bad. Family had to help with an intervention and did prayer. I remember 3 spirits entering my body. I was tricked. It's weird because it felt like a Karmic reset. Possession and a bad trip all at once. I had to face fear along with poor decisions and negative choices I made and change myself. Someone told me it was the equivalent of a bad trip and ego death. But yeah since then I've got my faculties but I believe myself to be clairvoyant as I can communicate with them. I think I have an unbound succubus attached to me. Wondering how you determine which beings you've "gotten"with. It's hard to determine what's what. I apparently had to purge some out but yeah. I'm raised christian I pray and stuff but I tend to have an open mind because of the psychic abilities I've had since I was a kid. Just curious on anyone's takes. I feel like my 3rd eye and crown are activated and I've had the pressure on the areas that are annoying feels like a magnet. I also feel like my "antenna" IE on. I never done rituals, never did any sort of magic. I had a friend who opened my 3rd eye and my hand points I think or he did something not sure. Then after gave me two pendants with his energy and he does both types of magics. I was told in a reading the female spirit around me didn't appear human. Maybe it's the Ubi. Any words aside of prayer that can dispell negative entities. I've caught said Ubi lying more than once saying she's another Ubi or Angel etc. Pretending to be other spirits. Idk since she's lied more than once. But yeah I have no skill or practice magic. Supposedly I can do readings but I don't do them. Pretty much curious about the best protection.
I am sorry about what you went through. I think it's always wise to take precautions before engaging in any kind of activity with unbounds, especially if you do not want anything to do with spirits or living entities. I find that CH has a whole range of protection spells for every occasion and would suggest some binding spells because they are most likely the ones you will need right now.

Lewk has already provided this link above. However, you can ask CH in that order if the unbound is a succubus or not. Since you are dealing with one but weren't sure of their race. You can opt for just the reading without binding anything.

I can't tell what being you've gotten based on very little information. So it's best to make sure that the being already there has good intentions. A spell to bar entry from ill intent unbounds and one for unwanted possession would be your best protection for now.

What made you think she lied to you? What communication methods did you use to interact with her? And are those methods protected from outside forces? For example, it could be that the succubus isn't the only one who came. Have you thought about that?
Once you open the channel, it is as if a floodgate has been opened. There will be more to come, and it is important to protect yourself. CH has very strong spells for most purposes. I hope it helps!
Discovery lies in open hearts and minds, ignorance thrives in closed spaces.
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Sorry for the late reply! I believe I opened a channel in 2020 or 2021. I believe it was a succubus however I didn't feel the draining. I believe one told me they were an arcturian. Another was a succubus queen I think. I have no idea on confirmation. I'll have to look into the spells and readings and very much appreciate the help. The Ubi that's around me currently. I believe is kind with good intentions. For all I know I unknowingly because I don't know what I'm doing invited or caused the issues but I strongly believe it was a karmic reset, ego death and rough entry into interactions with spirits and beings. The worst was that I got possessed. Might have been a trickster or octopus mind control being. Either way I purged it. Currently I have an Ubi around me. I call her C. I'll have to verify it all through those reading's in your posts. Strangely enough I'm raised Christian. I read the Bible and I pray with Jesus's intent. I was told in a psychic face to face reading that I'm a light worker and it's important for me to cleanse myself daily. I'm also an Empath and extremely sensitive to others emotions. I also have 4 of the 6 clairs apparently I can get the other two if I practice with it. (Clairsenteance Clairvoyance Clairaudience and Claircognicense). I pray and do positive affirmations of protection and love which balance me out. What made me think she was lying to me was that she said in fear that she was another Ubi that I got with. I have no idea if the information was verified. I do know that the communication between me and C like the ones in November is through telepathy. Also speaking out loud they respond through telepathy it's hard to discern between thoughts other voices or even higher self speaking to. It's crazy because there's no instruction manual for this. Things have been better. I was in a place of heavy fear when everything happened in November as I was not grounded. Had to face myself and endure the trials. I also felt purging in January but nothing lately. I'm better.
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My magical/paranormal name...: Alaric Indigo Root

@Crossover93 I'm glad to hear you're better.

If I've understood correctly what you've said, you sense that you have unbound spirits around you - not conjured and bound companions?

These spell bindings may help improve that kind of situation. ... irits.html ... spell.html

Even with permitted unbounds around you, it's worth considering introducing the standard house rules. See topic42051.html
Not the resident expert. Just another spirit keeper. Since 2017.

You must stay on the path. Do not leave it.
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I'd like to comment on what Mrs. Magnolia touched upon in her first post in this thread. In concern to the paranormal group as a whole (more so than in other groups), being populated by (..paraphrasing the next part) an overly embellished sense of naivety from folks thinking much of themselves.

Of which, in the beginning, I too was unknowingly a member of this group of individuals. So yeah, I couldn't tell the difference in my pendulum readings between a cherished house spirit and a potted plant. I had purchased a spell binding for a house spirit to share, but applied it to another recipient with a very similar energy. I think a sense of blindness shadows the naivety of good intentions, at least in my own experience. So maybe like how we deal with tax returns.. we have to be very specific in how we word everything. Shorthand instructions may often lead to unwitting mistakes.


Still, I do trust my CH pendulum to provide an accurate connection. Any deficiency would then be on my part.. From a lack of focused skill of the tool handler, not the tool. I think others may rely too much on the information they receive as being unerring and accurate. Throwing all common sense discernment out the window and falling deeper into a rabbit hole of their own ruin. Which is why I now visit this forum, to learn with an unbiased open mind.. because I have nothing to brag about except funny misunderstandings resulting in a megalomaniac potted plant. Looking back, I can find humor from all the mistakes made. You live and you learn, right? The only way to live, though, is to be in a mindset of continual state of self improvement. Meaning to not give up hope for a better future. Sometimes, we simply lack the right tool or sound encouragement in changing our life for the better. So yeah, just like a humble trickle of water can eventually erode a mountain. Perseverance eventually does indeed pay off in the end. So don't give up on yourself and take everything a stranger (and well intentioned newcomer) says with a grain of salt.

There's alot of myths out there, and misinformation. My habit is to view all uncertain paranormal speculation as if coming from a shady used car salesman. Or else from a naive person who once mistook their potted plant for being a house spirit. embarrassed.

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