meditation for me

Need help learning how to Meditate? Know any tricks on how to achieve it? Post here!
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I am not sure if anyone is like me when it comes to this so i will just explain four things.

1. When I do mediate, I can do it over and over but if i have a bad day and i just cant get over it, and mediate is bad. it messes me all up the next day i dont want to. but yet the other days its like lets do it. im confused....... on why this happens. i almost wanna feel like its the little devil on my shoulder. not any devil related to anything else.

2. i have to mediate 5-20minutes normal mediation. simply lets thoughts come and go and focus back on ur breathe. if i go deeper i can get lost or i can do the next step a little. so once u master breathing they say you can start to focus on where is your conciousness coming from. i wont go deeper into that.

3. then i can do another mediate, thats focused on spirits etc......... not giving anything away but for exmaple connection part 1 and 2 from CH those are great to connect to spirits and other energies. after a basic mediation.
i cant do number 3 without number 2. i have to clear my head i have to be able to change my frequninces.

4. going back to 3 last line. chnaging moods, frequneices. i have noticed. if i can somehow change my mood into believing and having fun i can connect so much better. but i have the hardest time changing. does anyone else notice if they just flip their brain to think a tiny bit different they can connect so much better?

for mediating i read CH i think on the forums publicly if ur gonna fall asleep get up stand and do it. i never though i could mediate standing but its possible its been very beneficial for me. infact iv had very intense interactions with my spirits after a normal mediation. standing up.

but if i beleive my spirits are there. and i just trust it thats when i saw full on manifestions. but its weird for me or hard for me to tune my brain to switch. may be part of my stubbornness?
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I just can't meditate whenever, If I have a bad day, just like you it messes me up completely. I have to wait until I am in the right vibe sort of. Otherwise I will feel very dizzy and kinda like I am going to throw up any moment.
Your second step I do with a mala necklace, I find it easier to get the thoughts out of the way if I have something to use at the same time but it's still hard to hear them no matter how deep I meditate, I have a hard time hearing their voices and nothing seems to make it easier. Both in mind and externally.
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Hi @madgar29 Thank you for sharing your experiences with meditation. Its not an easy thing to do and takes time and practice to get the results of what you are looking for. Its important to understand that some days it works better than others.

There are many different types of meditation one can do. I am unaware of which type you use, so in order to try and help I will share my experiences and methods and hopefully it will help contribute to your practice.

Your 4 points above highlight progressive levels of meditation. They build upon each other, but can also utilize different methods of meditation to achieve the same goals.

#1 and #2 in my experience are related. When you meditate after having a bad day and don't get the results you want, then its a call that you have not removed the barriers that inhibit you and cause you to have a bad day. Therefore, I can offer you advice on this:

Breath-work is key to all types of meditation, so you should focus on the part of your body right above your stomach and observe it rising and falling with your breaths. If you do not feel relaxed and in tune, then you should continue to focus on this until you do. When you find it difficult to meditate, for whatever reason, such as a bad day, then this is a call to focus more. If you can't for whatever reason, then you should stop and try again at a different time. When we don't get the results we want, then we need to look deeper to find the source that causes this blockage. A method I use for this is:

Prepare yourself for mediation, focus on relaxing yourself and concentrate on your breath-work. At this point, there will be many things that go through your mind and also external things which you hear that can break your concentration. The key here is to acknowledge them and then release them. So in your example of having a bad day, different thoughts will come to your mind. Identify all of them, good and bad. If you have an experience of someone who has rubbed you the wrong way that left a bad impression on you, then explore that and especially explore the feeling it gives you. Lets say you experience anger . Then visualize that person who makes you feel anger and say to yourself: anger, anger, anger. Once you have associated this with your visions and thoughts, then say to yourself: acknowledge, acknowledge, acknowledge. The ultimate goal here is to do this with everything that crosses your mind. If you find it hard to concentrate due to external activity, such as people talking around you, birds chirping, cars driving by, music, or whatever. then you use the same method. Identify what it is and how it makes you feel, then say to yourself: people talking, people talking, people talking. Then say to yourself: acknowledge, acknowledge, acknowledge. This should be repeated for everything that you think about, visualize and feel.

After you are done with your meditation, or it could be even at some point while you are doing it, write down what thoughts, visions and feelings that you had. After the method I described above, then refer to your notes later. They will further help you identify the root of what is blocking you and eventually remove it. Everyday, new thoughts and feelings enter our minds, therefore its key to continue practising meditation as a form of self maintenance.

As you move forward, you should try to add more time to the practice of meditation. 5-20 minutes as you stated is not enough time to actually get into it. I am not trying to deter you or say you are doing wrong, but 5 minutes is barely enough to get into it, let alone find the results you are looking for. So start off with what your are comfortable with, then keep adding time. 25-30 minutes is a good starter for you I believe. For example, I meditate for at least 1 hour, but then again I have been doing it for quite sometime. But, like you, I still have days where things just don't work the way I want them to. If you are worried about "falling asleep", then you should not worry. This is a part of the process sometimes and although it may seem like sleep, its actually not. You are going into a state as a result of your meditation. Therefore, its always good to have a stopwatch while you are doing meditation. It will help "awaken" you when you are in a deep state.

Once you have reached this state where you have removed those things from your mind, then things become clearer, but to get there requires a lot of discipline and effort. It is the same for most, including me, but the more you practice, the more conditioned you get and therefore it becomes easier. At this point, its easier to achieve alternative states of consciousness and also project your intentions. Communicating with your companions will be easier once you achieve this state too. This state is also good for channelling energy for different applications such as healing.

Once you have a good foothold of mediation and entering the state you want to, then you can start to practice focusing your energy on certain points to channel it. I started with focusing on meridian points in my own body and "touching" them. This, I think is more advanced that where you are at now, but it illustrates what one can do with meditation when you become experienced with it. I am sure if you keep focus and keep practising that you will get there too.

I hope this helps and if you have any questions or need clarifications on what I have written, then please do not hesitate to ask. This is quite an involved topic and what I have written only scratches the surface and is meant to not be too specific given your situation and queries.
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@Black Panther

i state master breathing...... and going deep in mediation is no good.this is considered a trance state. ur awake but ur not asleep. but ur in a different state and it can feel like 20 minutes turn into hours......

i dunno why people say 5 minutes not long enough if you can mediate and go into that state of mind the faster the better some people talk about they no longer have to mediate they can just literally take a minute to get into that state of mind and start their work.

i agree bad days shouldnt deter me but it does. depends on the day. certain things can really mess with me others not so much. not much honestly gets to me now except my sister lol. she can ruin my entire day on something small. but only her.

but no i been trying my best to keep myself in a light mediation. CH recommends a light medation to get with ur spirits. not talking about astral projection.

everyday is different results for me.

the first day or week i did connection 2 book. lol. i was in a very light mediation relaxing myself. and i swear im not sure which spirit or LE it was b/c i was not focused on a spirit or LE but she came in through my door hovered over me. i didnt see anything but i felt it. it was super sensual. healing my root chakra but i could feel tingles aroujnd my wasit band and private areas. it felt almost like an angelic energy.

ill do the same mediation again and never get that result again :P but i do get amazing results a lot. if i focus on my viking when i stand and mediate i will feel him grab my forearms. so i dont think i have big blocks.

orginal post was more about questioning the switch in ur head changing how u look at thigns just slightly. if i am my serious self i dont get amazing results when i get lighter hearted i do but i dunno how to flip the switch. i cant explain it. its kinda like all my friends are getting more grumpy over time and im staying open minded. and now we are clashing lol.

you wrote how it gets easier :P it use to be easier for me so yeah. u can lose it too
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madgar29 wrote: Mon May 20, 2024 5:16 pm [...]orginal post was more about questioning the switch in ur head changing how u look at thigns just slightly. if i am my serious self i dont get amazing results when i get lighter hearted i do but i dunno how to flip the switch. i cant explain it. its kinda like all my friends are getting more grumpy over time and im staying open minded. and now we are clashing lol.
Maybe switch flipping like that is a separate thing to meditation?

Inner Smile

Hmmm...I use the Taoist technique known as the Inner Smile. I have several books that touch on it. It can change the energy of a person and their body. You may find an online tutorial that suits you. At its simplest you smile from the heart or recall when you smiled the greatest beaming smile you ever smiled. Then smile that smile down to your eyes. Then down to your whole body.

It works well with people who are doing chi work. They may feel the chi in their body changing.


Or self introspection...watching your thought patterns, emotions, attitudes. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy can help a person to stop a negative thought cycle before it takes over you and your body....and affects your energy/aura too much.

Self hypnosis

You could learn a hypnotic induction & self suggestibility technique to put yourself into a relaxed, very light 'trance'. Then you could literally use a flip technique, in your case for light heartedness. Finish the session with a suggestion that when you do a certain gesture, you will flip into light heartedness. It'll mean taking time to study self hypnosis a little.

This may be of no use to you but for me I find my meditation lifts my energies and makes me more positive/light hearted. It's quite a complicated affair, with various protections and clearings. It sets me up for the day.

When I sit with my spirits - maybe at the end of the day - I don't think if it as meditation. For me it's quiet time. I'll use light protection from a CH binding.
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Standing meditation

Yes it is possible. There are very well known types, such as the Chinese Standing Practice. I have a book by Shaolin Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit in which he teaches a standing zen meditation in horse stance, which is done for 5 minutes with full focus and alertness.

This type of stance suits staying awake & focused, as you'll probably stagger if you doze.

There's an approach to meditation that emphasises quality over just putting the time in. So with that you'd not meditate when you feel tired or below par. You'd wait until you remain alert & focused.

One benefit of not meditating when we feel off colour or in a bad mood is we won't open ourselves up to unwanted energies so much. That seems to be advised more with chi kung-type meditations. With Indian/Buddhist-influenced meditation schools there can be more of an emphasis on putting the time in, meditating regardless. They're both valid. It helps to pick one and stick to it, imo, as tips / corrections will be coherent for that approach but may be contradictory for the other.
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this right here this thread this moment this is the cloest i think we have ever gotten to really bonding and you really getting me.

I would love to go deeper into this maybe, give me a day to repost again on this thread since I am on a time slam right now, only able to skim your posts but you seem to be really understanding my issue here now.....

yes mediate issue i have is truly getting too comfortable, and explaining my standing practice has given me great results.

But trying to explain the switch or in my words your changing your frequency just so slightly no so serious but in a more trusting and believing and confident state and more happy. but its just a slight change in the state of mind. I bougght a book a long time ago randomly about CHI I knew it was a sign but i never dived deep into it.

and standing up and having full on interactions and getting and udnerstanding certain telepathic messages, im on to soemthing when i find the time to do it! so i need to read and dive deeper in your last two posts. I hope that maybe we can crack this and if we can maybe it can help others if they are having similiar issues .

for example if a person is stressing or pushing, understanding going with flow, it can be so easy to connect. im not sure what is going on with me or how it happens but just acknowledgeing im changing my enery or the way i am seeing reality just so slightly is enabling me to use and see magick and spirituality so differently again ill reread what you said research a little bit on it and see what i can come up with and reply again to see if we can add some more up to it. but

yes you are understanding the real post of this thread now :)
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@madgar29 - great. Let's see if that succeeds. I'm happy to at least try.
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Meditate every morning before work and make it a routine, you need to create good vibes going into each day.
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Aemoze wrote: Sun May 26, 2024 12:57 pm Meditate every morning before work and make it a routine, you need to create good vibes going into each day.
I have to say this works for me.

I can't survive without my start of the day meditation setting me up for the rest of the day. It gives me a kind of buffer against ensuing events, boosts my endorphins and my positive sense of self. It also helps me connect with heart-centred energy, instead of being quite so much in my head.

I think I've never said this before here but I've been addicted to daily meditation for over 50 years. Without it, I feel like a car without any oil, clunky and grinding through my gears. With it, the whole day is so much smoother.

In the past I've had such incredible, natural peak experiences from my meditations that have resulted in me feeling better than anything else can, that to be without that feels like the exact opposite, worse than almost anything else, almost unwell. I'd rather have the (natural, smooth) highs than the lows.
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