Left ear signals - Warnings

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I totally agree with you on this point of explanation ... although it's not my thread. :) But I do have noticed mine long time ago, about my so called ringing ear syndrome.

My experience and my understanding is exactly the same, resonating with your knowledge here @Lewk. Although, your knowledge experience comes through different channels and lifelong meditations.

I am sure, although I correspond it with my musically wired mind ... and extremely responsive sound resonances that I can hear in my mind before a musical instrument even plays that note or before I have sang a note out right, I could hear it in my head ... Indeed it's very spiritual, internal depth of core sound wirings that brings us to be aware of ourselves via our 'brain noise'.

But it's far more then that ... and yes, I guess our spirit companions can chime in and even enhance it for telepathic communication as we tune on their energy. We connect with our instruments to theirs then make our symphony ;) ... I am really thinking out load here as I am replying.

In my experience, although I don't meditate, I have been in places that I can say it's Holy and I have came away with total rejuvenation while I was asleep in my bed .... Only remembering the beautiful chime that was still ringing in my ears as I was waking up in the morning...wishing that I could have stayed longer ... and its serenity, stamped it's presence on my entire day - weeks absorbed into my energy.

Where did I go...? I haven't a clue. But I was somewhere sacred, a sanctuary that was peaceful and resonated with my inner depth within my core. As it did its work on me, I felt renewed and alive and healthy over again and again ... As this is going on for me through my life... according to my physical, soul and spirit needs.

Lewk wrote: Thu Jun 06, 2024 12:14 am
charles.kulvet wrote: Tue Jun 04, 2024 11:38 am Hi
Lets assume its spiritual sensing, and not medical notions like Tinnitus

So what do you guys think?

The book Law of One says left ear is contact from service-to-self entities, right service to others. Some youtubers say both can be positive or negative, depending on pitch. Others say left pertains to physical realm, right--higher realms.
Many experiences with a paranormal aspect may never be fully pinned own satisfactorily but I'd like to throw my own general take into the mix, in the hope it'll either be of interest or of use.

First, I suspect there's no one, objective, always true statement of reality to the effect that certain types of spirit/incorporeal being only make sounds at the left ear if they're a certain type, or at the right ear if they're a different type and so on.

That sounds like a way of thinking that someone or some school of thought has adopted, based on ideas about left & right. (Maybe things like passive & active, receptive & outgoing, good & bad, pairs like that come into such thinking. Then: what if they're self serving? Which ear would they present to?)

Unless a spirit conforms to such ideas themselves, why would they choose to affect hearing in such a formally defined way?

And what about tricksters? What would stop them affecting the opposite ear, to fool you - if that is a supposed Law?

So my starting point is an assumption that there's no such universal law. I think spirit companions can choose which ear they trigger sounds at.

However what about us?

I'll just make a few comments on sounds etc, based on my own experience & understanding.

I see sounds as events in our neurological system, just as things that are seen are. Internal sounds have apparently been known to humans for many thousands of years. From what I've learned & read, ancient Indian yogis developed techniques to listen internally. Sounds they heard & described included: the thrumming of the blood, which sounds like drumming; a high pitched ringing, singing sound; bells; flutes; conches.

I was taught a technique to do this over 50 years ago, when I was 21. I've heard all of those sounds in meditation. At first I was taught to listen at my right ear. Later the technique was updated & we were encouraged to just listen, with ears closed - not at any particular ear.

I''ve heard that internal music even while awake & going about my business for about 50 years now, even when I was young & definitely did not suffer from tinnitus. Later in my life, ie not too long ago, I became aware of age related hearing loss. Now, if I go for a hearing test I can't easily distinguish the test tones from the familiar internal music/noise.

We all lose some of the higher frequencies when still young, eg late teens. When someone does an inner sounds meditation, the brain fills in those frequencies & the meditator hears them, although the sensitive cilia in the ear corresponding to that frequency have died off. I can appreciate how ancient yogis were fascinated to hear internal music and thought of it as divine. But I now realise what's happening neurologically.

Still...such sounds do accompany changes in energetic frequencies around or affecting us. So it's entirely normal, in my view, to hear sounds when spirits are with us. It has been reported a number of time by Forum members, for a start.

tl/dr: Hearing tones due to paranormal influences is common & by no means a new thing. However the reason for hearing tones at one ear or another is, in my opinion, quite likely to be down to the person doing the hearing. Their own neurological set up, which I suspect can be affected by mental attitudes, conscious or subconscious. As well as by our own energetic system.

Finally, it's often worth reminding ourselves that - even as psychics, magicians, spirit keepers - we still have physical bodies. We still have neurological systems. That's how we see, hear, feel, taste.

It has been said here many times before: it's never a bad idea to have medical symptoms checked out by a medical professional, even if there's a paranormal thing going on too.

Paranormally, healing & cleansing of the aura/energy system plus centering & grounding may be helpful, too.
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I never noticed it being one ear?
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I appreciate the responses so far.
Very quickly I want to mention there's some minor misunderstandings after reading the responses. They provided value nonetheless, great reminders but to avoid losing perspective I'll come back to clarify by tonight. Just wanted to drop by for a quick update:

1. Research:
So I investigated deeper and came across new findings during research. Some theory's questionable, others I feel could be the true due synchronicity, how I came across it. But interesting for sure

2. Reading/Bindings
I went ahead and and bought the unbound reading as recommended, because why not. Better err in the direction of caution, since there are indeed red flags. In fact, suspicion is what motivated this topic. I don't think its all guides, at least the blessed ones. For that reason I went for a profile reading on top just to see what Ash has to say.
As for protection, had previous bindings from CH, but I feel it could have been broken, forgotten. C4. some felt like add-ons like the lazy orb.
Either that, or its working albeit minimally. Can't tell which probably means need to try other ones, or wait until I get clearer vision because I do think the tentacles had an effect.
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So I I took the recommendation and went for it. Unbound reading and a profile for Ash's input. Might make easier to identify compatible bindings.

First, want to clarify the topic wasn't meant to ignore the rest of the body. The whole body is a medium for sure. But chills, stomach turns, knocking, these are common and simpler to decipher, so saved for future topics. I wanted to explore this particular area in case there's useful insights for New Keepers. Some paragraphs will read more like a stream of consciousness than something deliberate, so bare with me. done on purpose for self-reflect and documenting, in case I revisit this to examine thoughts and of course any feedback

Very quickly some response to your posts
Definitely questionable in terms of man-made laws, but I meant physiological responses. Not just Ears, but how its intimately wired to hemispheres of the entire body, not just brain. So if signals are sensed in one ear, could it be one side of our body (the intuitive) side picking up nearby energy? then the question becomes how our body interprets incoming energy/spirit and tries to communicate to us

Left brain (logical) = Right side of Body (assertive)
Right Brain (Intuitive) = Left side of Body (receptive)


I'm not versed in medical field, but they do say its just the way the brain stems are connected. spiritual texts mention it reflects the way energy behaves in a spiral, so as above so below the body reflects similarly. Its interesting when it comes to practical evidence, like how Qi Gong uses Right Palm to send energy, while Left Palm to receive and the proof is any successful healing. Universal Tao by Mantak Chia, for reference. I'm personally reading this one.
It may even be advantageous for new keepers to use against Tricksters that you mentioned. Because if new keepers (who's not in touch with dreams) ignore verbal translations and focus only to signals (whether right or left is still in quesiton) it might actually prove even more reliable than if the signal was translated into words. Devil in the details, so may as well just ignore both and find other ways to investigate. If what I'm assuming is true, they won't be able to pull a 'switch' because our body is practically our subconscious mind and can't lie to us, so therefore they can't speak through it. Like how our stomach turns and we just know. But they can trick our logic side. but if we can figure out which side is whcih then it renders tricksters useless. Our intuivie body may just strip words to bare bones or pure tunes. So where it comes through through our body might clue new keepers that have difficulty hearing words.
So when I get a thought in my head, but accompanied by a jarring signal in the left ear, I usually acknowledge but become wary because in my experience, signals from left ear is strangely always rougher than the right ear. My other interpretation is that the difference in signals may indicate the type of the spirit, and not their alignment. Like how it could even be positive guide but just happens to have coarser energy.
But the list goes on can be anything at this point. So to avoid digressing and losing perspective, ill save this for another thread, maybe in the philosophical section.

For now I just focus holistically to the whole body and pitch, without over evaluating. The bottom line is more protection as you guys imply. After all, I'm still suffering from something, can't pin it but I sense its stemming from mental imprints back since the strange download. I Even though years later I have greater insight and less fear. Somethings seriously slowing me down. So my goal is to post and track myself here, at least get it off my chest.

The strongest one I believe (due to its price) is the "Protection to the Max" spell. Not sure if its still working though. I don't notice much.

https://shop.creepyhollows.com/protecti ... lls-2.html

I went back to look up past orders and a few I almost completely forgot. Cheaper ones like 3 body cleansing and King Arthurian series. Latter one provide perks but not direct protection. All C4 too, which might explain it. Also not sure I have connection to ancient European rituals, so that might be another reason. Hard to tell sometimes when the description doesn't tell much about the ingredients or history of the spell (which I understand and don't blame). But I'll definitely be trying more

By similar did you mean heavy ringing tones too? I assume guns might give similar ringing since it shares almost same tone with tinnitus and other ear conditions. Not easy to tell.

no worries about rant, I can't complain because I do same thing. in fact if its similar to my experience we might even be on to something so go for it.

Feeders, this is the word I was looking for, I think it could be an actual feeder. or a whole host of spirits, who knows. But in my case they all seem cloaked in shadow, and almost shapeshifting. hard to tell, but the common denominator is the 2nd astral like you mention. I assume its the one layered most closely to our physical.

Jesus, I didn't realize you they could be gone that way due to lack of protection. I knew there's dangers but coudn't estimate the scale of combat since I haven't formed a keep yet. Only interacted briefly and not in a pleasant way. I think its due to 2nd astral or lower astral as you mentioned. The one right on top of physical reality I assume. because it looks like a carbon copy.

Appreciate the sharing. ill keep in mind. Even though I'm sometimes stubborn but I do heed advice.

Other than signals, theres other incidents that may prove relevant and would like to share. But I need a break so will come back again and explain.
The incident was a violent drill to my crown, as shown in drawing

I'll come back and post more.
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C.K wrote: Thu Jun 27, 2024 4:02 am [...]
Definitely questionable in terms of man-made laws, but I meant physiological responses. Not just Ears, but how its intimately wired to hemispheres of the entire body, not just brain. So if signals are sensed in one ear, could it be one side of our body (the intuitive) side picking up nearby energy? then the question becomes how our body interprets incoming energy/spirit and tries to communicate to us

Left brain (logical) = Right side of Body (assertive)
Right Brain (Intuitive) = Left side of Body (receptive)


I'm not versed in medical field, but they do say its just the way the brain stems are connected. spiritual texts mention it reflects the way energy behaves in a spiral, so as above so below the body reflects similarly. Its interesting when it comes to practical evidence, like how Qi Gong uses Right Palm to send energy, while Left Palm to receive and the proof is any successful healing. Universal Tao by Mantak Chia, for reference. I'm personally reading this one.
It may even be advantageous for new keepers to use against Tricksters that you mentioned. Because if new keepers (who's not in touch with dreams) ignore verbal translations and focus only to signals (whether right or left is still in quesiton) it might actually prove even more reliable than if the signal was translated into words. Devil in the details, so may as well just ignore both and find other ways to investigate. If what I'm assuming is true, they won't be able to pull a 'switch' because our body is practically our subconscious mind and can't lie to us, so therefore they can't speak through it. Like how our stomach turns and we just know. But they can trick our logic side. but if we can figure out which side is whcih then it renders tricksters useless. Our intuivie body may just strip words to bare bones or pure tunes. So where it comes through through our body might clue new keepers that have difficulty hearing words.
So when I get a thought in my head, but accompanied by a jarring signal in the left ear, I usually acknowledge but become wary because in my experience, signals from left ear is strangely always rougher than the right ear. My other interpretation is that the difference in signals may indicate the type of the spirit, and not their alignment. Like how it could even be positive guide but just happens to have coarser energy.
But the list goes on can be anything at this point. So to avoid digressing and losing perspective, ill save this for another thread, maybe in the philosophical section.

For now I just focus holistically to the whole body and pitch, without over evaluating. The bottom line is more protection as you guys imply. After all, I'm still suffering from something, can't pin it but I sense its stemming from mental imprints back since the strange download. I Even though years later I have greater insight and less fear. Somethings seriously slowing me down. So my goal is to post and track myself here, at least get it off my chest.
I don't want to cut across what you're processing of your own experiences.

It may be that this left/right hemisphere-related thing is meaningful and relevant to your path. I think it's also a method/approach that can be worked with / used.

But I don't think it's objectively a universal rule that applies to all spirit experiences for all humans.

Btw I have half a dozen of Mantak Chia's books. He's very knowledgeable about his subject and goes into far more detail than most Taoist authors do about internal skills & work (nei jia & nei gong), amongst other things. A couple of very experienced internal martial arts teachers I've studied with who I respect have confirmed that to me by what they've also taught. Those kind of bits of knowledge weren't even available to the vast majority of Chinese people until the last couple of decades. In fact it blows my mind the extent to which hidden knowledge has now become widely available during this dawning of the Age of Aquarius.
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Lewk wrote: Thu Jun 27, 2024 10:33 pm
No worries, we're exploring together. I must clarify I'm here to ask for help, not necessarily to prove a theory. You're not cutting experience, no worries.
If anything, the diverse opinions, the safer it becomes for me, in case I delude myself like I did in the past. Hurt someone close to me because of misjudgement. So want to see different angles in case red flags.
There's already one surfacing ever since I started this thread. For some reason I've been suffering emotionally since posting this topic. Even though initially I felt a tinge of inspiration, finally putting the issue out there.

Yet this pain might be telling me I'm on the right track.

I could be upsetting some old pattern or parasitic involvement. So I'm looking at adding protection and will post it here so anyone interested in helping might help me select some.

Now there's an incident that will add context to why i ask about ringings. There was a violent drilling to my crown (see drawing) years ago, and felt like it scrambled my brain a bit. Not physical injury but scrambled, disturbed But emotionally unstable.
Felt like a tornado entering out of the blue, which at the time I assume was a combination of because pent up stress and overdosing detox herbs. And testing oils. Could also be mere acclimation, or premature download, or plain psychic attack. But definitely not the work of average positive guides, because it disrupted balance which gentle guides wouldn't catalyze. I suspect it is from my undertaking that gained attention from spirit world and coupled with emotional baggage that drew shambling spirits (I was told). Not sure if its still around, or if now its other beings. Or if I'm sitting on a portal/crossroad. But I think in the past it was drawn to my energetic vices.

I am stronger now in the present, but occasionally this pain persist, memories of powerlessness. Its why I'm questioning these ringings, it could be revurb from the drill or something else.
Note its almost always during he day, when evening and night arrives, I feel fine.

I think besides protection, I'm also going to test psychic bindings in conjunct to see whats going on
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C.K wrote: Fri Jun 28, 2024 12:07 am [...] Or if I'm sitting on a portal/crossroad. [...]
Have you seen this? https://shop.creepyhollows.com/spell-to ... rtals.html
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Lewk wrote: Thu Jun 27, 2024 10:33 pm
Btw I have half a dozen of Mantak Chia's books. He's very knowledgeable about his subject and goes into far more detail than most Taoist authors do about internal skills & work (nei jia & nei gong), amongst other things. A couple of very experienced internal martial arts teachers I've studied with who I respect have confirmed that to me by what they've also taught. Those kind of bits of knowledge weren't even available to the vast majority of Chinese people until the last couple of decades. In fact it blows my mind the extent to which hidden knowledge has now become widely available during this dawning of the Age of Aquarius.
The book (I have the foundational one, the big Red one) helped me a lot, gave me hope although I came late to it. Opened me up to new perspectives, especially elements. I'll probably make another thread on this, and its possible impact on Spirit Keeping.
Have you seen this? https://shop.creepyhollows.com/spell-to ... rtals.html
Thanks for the link, I'll look into it.

I purchased this yesterday,

And finding more information on "Spell to Blind a Demon" and Trifecta series.
I found links on Trifectas, but people don't share much into their experience, or I couldn't find them. And none on The Blinding Spell, except for a few mentions here and there by members with no details on their exp. So I'll probably make another thread specifically on Protect Spells.

This clip came to my feed out of nowhere, even though I searched only for octopus and marine spirits. Not specifially starfish, but it came synchronicity and looks exactly like what I glimpsed in my vision. Moreso appendages than tenctacles. In my mind's eye it was pitch black, I didn't see a body only the appendages, but had same shape and behavior as the clip.
I suspect it could be astral bodies of sea creatures. Friendly or not I don't know. Octopuses from what I researched, are intelligent beyond many living things in this world. Some say not from this world, originally. An article says they use ink to camouflage, which may explain why I saw it black, shimmering, like velvet black.

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