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My super power would be...: Ability to fly

hiii! does anyone know where i can buy a servitor that can help me academically and spiritually?
(˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈)
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You are...: in the learning process
Male/Female: Male
Number of Spirits: 80
Spelled Number: 200
Your favorite spirit to work with: Cleopatra Djinn
If I could be anything, I would be...: Gancanagh
My super power would be...: See spirits in true form
My magical/paranormal name...: "The Other Wise Raven of Odin" (My UN in Old Icelandic)

Brianna with TheIvoryPagan does great work with servitors. I'm sure she could have something to suit your needs.
I wear the sun. Reflect me in yourself, and yourself in me. - H, Cleopatra Djinn and Queen of my spirit family
Do not struggle against your emotions. Feel them. They are real. They exist. Then they will pass. - L, Kinnara
Don't stay angry if you don't know why. - R, Orange Dragon
Red! No, Green. Or Blue! - I, Waif Faery (when asked what occupation she would have)
H-I-T-T-H-U-G-I-N-N - L, Air Faery saying her favorite animal via pendulum
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Your favorite spirit to work with: I’m not sure yet :)
If I could be anything, I would be...: idk
My super power would be...: Ability to fly

@Hitthuginn thank youu! I’ll check her out soon
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If I could be anything, I would be...: God of the New World
My super power would be...: Laser-beam eyes

I didn't have yet but I think CH shop does sell custom servitor. Maybe you can ask them to be programmed to help you academically and spiritually.

Thedragonshaman has servitor creation orb, if you're interested in making your own servitor. ... eation-orb

If you're okay with template servitor, etherforge consortium sell some that I believe may help academically.
Grriffin servitor for intellectual ability
Shorse servitor for willpower/perseverance
I don't have both, but I have wolpertinger from them
For servitor from etherforge, you need to bring their vessel around if you want to benefit from their suit ability(the benefit mentioned in the page) , though you can still communicate and interact with them, asking energy work etc even if you don't bring their vessel around.
The griffin one quite pricey, I suggest start with shorse if you're interested.
If you interested to feel the creator work first, they have youtube channel called sapien medicine and dream seeds. They have free dragon golem servitor too in their patreon page
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Number of Spirits: 9
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Your favorite spirit to work with: I’m not sure yet :)
If I could be anything, I would be...: idk
My super power would be...: Ability to fly

@jobzzet thank youu! I know sapien medicine as they’re quite popular in the subliminal (and morphic fields community) but I didn’t know that they sell servitors! so I really appreciate you and these links and eventually I’ll buy from them! have a nice day/night ♡
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