*Another update*
So, as per
@Hazell suggestion, I got my very own slime from Obsidian Slime. A Green Honeydew Jelly, (who knew slime technology had advanced this far?!), which best fit
her description. Good grief, this stuff smells delicious. I
have resisted the impulse to taste it though, lol. After following instructions to make the 'activator' and added it, this stuff is very jelly-like and it
does not stick to anything!
A'ight, imma little outta touch with this current slime tech--this was a wow to me.
But the interaction... Hahahahaha! I could feel she loved it. Took a while to confirm what she likes. "Nonono! No poppy bubbles!" "No stretchy! NO stretchy!"
When the handling was right, she was exuding warmth and excited amusement. IE, giggles, and lots of them. To the point my wife remarked, "You must really like that stuff."
"What? Why?"
"You haven't stopped smiling since you picked it up!"
Yeah, couldn't help it--I was being bombarded by joy.
Now, here's the weird part. (Not really, lol) Remember how I said it won't stick to anything? Yeah, the wife can't touch it. Wash hands, activator--it doesn't work. It sticks to her like it's attacking her.
Until I touch it. Then it releases, and I can easily pat all the sticky residue off my wife's hands, and handle it like normal. Even if I didn't hear the "NO TOUCHY!" in my head, the message was clear.
Yeah, I now have a container of haunted slime that will aggressively stick to anyone but me.