Past Life Romances Spell to Re-Connect with Those you loved

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Livvie Locke-Morley
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My magical/paranormal name...: Livvie Locke

I bought this spell to get more in contact with my Vampire, with whom I shared a former life with. Most days I wear the ring, the spell is attached to around my neck, but I wonder, if I have to do more for letting the spell work optimal.
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Livvie Locke-Morley
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If I could be anything, I would be...: Sanguine Vampire
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My magical/paranormal name...: Livvie Locke

Has anybody any experience with this spell?
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Your favorite spirit to work with: Masheba Shifter
If I could be anything, I would be...: Not quite sure?
My super power would be...: See spirits in true form
My magical/paranormal name...: I believe Catgirl may be it-a nickname I got years ago!

Bumping this one! I would like to know as well; I had been considering getting this spell myself! How does it work? Livvie, how is the spell working for you so far? I have a couple of companions that I had past lives with, but were never romantically involved with them, so I wonder, how does it work?
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My super power would be...: Ability to fly
My magical/paranormal name...: Alaric Indigo Root

Just in case you didn't know about Creepy Hollows' recommended way of getting the most from their spells bindings, here it is. The lengthy introduction section 'spells' it out (pun intended). You may wish to read the whole article here. ... nners.html

"At any time you can engage any Creepy Hollows spell directly by willing or summoning the spell. What does this mean? You can summon spells through telepathy (thinking about the spell), or by speaking the spell name directly, e.g. "Summon spell Join the Charade". You will discover that your spells & magic immediately apply to any endeavor in which they can assist you. For example, if you are working with a spell, or are meditating, to bring out your Third Eye powers, then the spells you have which are related to your Third Eye become immediately integrated with you & the situation, applying their power and influence for you & your Third Eye.

All magic requires your ongoing contribution of time & effort to fully delve into the depths of the spell & what it can do for you. This means you need to spend time working with the magic and spells in your keep from time-to-time. While the magic works for you automatically & intuitively for you in the background all the time, it is when you work with magic that you really learn its many facets and you learn how deep and powerful the spell can be. By working with the spell this means instructing & tasking the spell to complete certain tasks for you in a period of time, or overall. This also means spending time with the spell in reflection or a meditative state, and allowing the magic to flow through you & around you so you can identify the spell through its unique energy signature. [...]"

[my underlining]

Another CH article I read used the words 'let it wash over you'.
Not the resident expert. Just another spirit keeper. Since 2017.

You must stay on the path. Do not leave it.
If you do, you'll never...
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the path! [Gandalf, in The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug]
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Your favorite spirit to work with: Masheba Shifter
If I could be anything, I would be...: Not quite sure?
My super power would be...: See spirits in true form
My magical/paranormal name...: I believe Catgirl may be it-a nickname I got years ago!

Thank you, that's some great advise you gave! I will be checking that page you recommended out more often! I had purchased some spells before & despite they usually work for me, every once in a while, I will pick one that doesn't seem to be suited for me, they work but not where I need the most!
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Livvie Locke-Morley
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Your favorite spirit to work with: Sanguine Vampire
If I could be anything, I would be...: Sanguine Vampire
My super power would be...: Ability to fly
My magical/paranormal name...: Livvie Locke

I have had a past life relationship with my Sanguine Vampire and I have the feeling, that the spell helps to boost our connection.
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Your favorite spirit to work with: Masheba Shifter
If I could be anything, I would be...: Not quite sure?
My super power would be...: See spirits in true form
My magical/paranormal name...: I believe Catgirl may be it-a nickname I got years ago!

I had past lives with some of my companions, I never was romantically involved with any of them, at least that I know of, but if I was, I am banking I know which one, otherwise I would love to know if I was, a feeling I got I may have but we were always friends, no matter what! I had been contemplating getting one of CH's past lives spells, but I keep leaning towards a custom one, that way it covers everything!
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