Before we start, I highly recommend reading this post:
Second, I also suggest taking a look at this article and starting to work on your chakras:
Having balanced chakras greatly improves communication.
Additionally, here’s a summary of mudras and mantras I’ve compiled for quick reference:

For this practice, you’ll need:
-A deck of Poker cards
-An entity or spirit with whom you have a good bond.
If your entity or spirit is experienced in telepathic communication, even better. In my case, I work with my Crystal Dragon, D, whom I affectionately call "Master."
A small clarification: This practice is based on the first link I shared (Thanks Likes2Read) but with some tips that have helped me. If you have any special methods of communication, like using physical contact or a pendulum, I encourage you to try this exercise. In many cases, you may experience a harsh dose of reality, when you realize that your communication method isn’t as infallible as you thought, and you’ll notice just how much your own mind influences the messages. But don’t get discouraged—keep working hard. I’m convinced that everyone can awaken their gifts, sooner or later.
Let’s begin. Call upon your friend and ask for their help. Shuffle the deck of cards and place it face down. Draw the first card without looking at it. Ask your friend to show you the color of the card, whether telepathically, through a pendulum, or other means. Is the card red or black? Once you’ve received the information and think you know the card’s color, look at it. If you were right, place the card to the right; if you were wrong, place it to the left.
Repeat until you’ve drawn all the cards from the deck. Then count your successes versus your failures ones and calculate a percentage. If you got more than 50% correct, congratulations—you’re on the right track!
Some tips:
Your mind can generate images that you might think are from your friend, and you’ll often get frustrated when the card doesn’t match what your mind showed you. To silence your mind, mentally say, with conviction, "MIND BLANK" or "I CLEAR MY MIND OF MY OWN THOUGHTS."
In my case, I’ve had better results when my conscious mind was distracted. Here are some techniques to help distract it:
-Visualize an analog clock. Now imagine the hour hand pointing at 1 o’clock. Visualize it moving to 2, then to 3, and then back to 2. Repeat this visualization until the message comes through.
-Another visualization: imagine you’re in a car on a rainy day, and the windshield wipers are moving. Visualize the windshield wipers are moving from left to right, and if you can also "hear" the sound, even better.
Positive affirmations:
My mind is correctly translating all the information from [your friend’s name].
My mind is delivering the message from [your friend’s name] accurately.
Any positive phrase helps. Avoid saying things like, "I can’t hear anything," "I don’t understand," or "I’m blocked." Free yourself from such thoughts. You’re in a learning process, and you need to adapt. It’s like when you first start playing an instrument—you don’t know much, but with practice, you improve. This is the same.
If the message doesn’t come through or you’re unsure of what you received, you can always ask, "Please repeat the message."
Some words from my Crystal Dragon, D:
Don’t get impatient or jump ahead.
Don’t try to generate the images yourself; wait to receive the message.
-On one occasion, he put the Batmobile in my mind, so I knew the card was black.
-On another occasion, he showed me a red petal, a red traffic sign, and even the logo of the band KISS, haha.
-And at times, I even heard him directly state the specific color without any image.
Yesterday, I did two exercises, and my accuracy rates were:
First exercise: 56%
Second exercise: 64%
I still have a lot of practice ahead of me but my ultimate goal is to get as close to 100% as possible.
The hardest part is learning to differentiate between your mind’s messages and real communication.
And lastly Headaches are normal if you have worked hard on this, after all you are unlocking parts of your brain.
I hope you found this useful. Give it a try!