Demon Keeping Experiences

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Your Opinion on Demon Keeping

Only under certain conditions.
I've thought about it, but haven't done it.
I have/had a demon, and I had a bad experience.
I have/had a demon, and I had a good experience.
I want to get a demon someday.
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PsycloneDeth wrote: Fri Jun 28, 2024 12:43 am I'm glad the taboo on black arts spirits seems to have lifted on this forum over time. I just picked up some from ThePaganShop and I'll try to update this thread with more of my experiences.
So any update on your experiences?
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I would be interested to hear how people got on that were determined to keep BA.

Personally, I would never entertain BA entities as my understanding of them comes from CH definition, I do not want a companion that needs to be constantly fought and kept in place and from what I understand people who keep BA end up needing to work with or allow themselves as hosts to even stronger BA to keep other BA entities in line.

Domination and power chasing like this is not what being a keeper is all about to me.
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Rando3000 wrote: Thu Nov 14, 2024 4:35 pm I would be interested to hear how people got on that were determined to keep BA.

Personally, I would never entertain BA entities as my understanding of them comes from CH definition, I do not want a companion that needs to be constantly fought and kept in place and from what I understand people who keep BA end up needing to work with or allow themselves as hosts to even stronger BA to keep other BA entities in line.

Domination and power chasing like this is not what being a keeper is all about to me.
I too would like to hear how things have turned and deficiently agree with you about the domination and power chasing is not what being a keeper is about at least not for me either. Think everyone has to decide just how any of the arts match up with not only their energy and personality but with their thoughts and intentions and how they would wield them or could be influenced to wield them so BA and demons aren't spirits or living entities I feel drawn or be a right fit for each other but if others feel called to it and feel they had positive experiences then I hope it continues to stay that way for them.
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Rando3000 wrote: Thu Nov 14, 2024 4:35 pm I would be interested to hear how people got on that were determined to keep BA.

Personally, I would never entertain BA entities as my understanding of them comes from CH definition, I do not want a companion that needs to be constantly fought and kept in place and from what I understand people who keep BA end up needing to work with or allow themselves as hosts to even stronger BA to keep other BA entities in line.

Domination and power chasing like this is not what being a keeper is all about to me.
For the majority, though, it's the opposite. I'm on a few other boards, (primarily Middle Eastern culture) and they are all about acquiring demonic servants and slaves, the blacker the better. Every slight they experience seems to require the most severe retributions...

I would say they're members far outnumber those of us here who share the 'keeper' philosophy of friends and companions.
A wise Earthen Elemental Wolf Spirit once said to me,
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Celestia4 wrote: Thu Nov 14, 2024 8:11 pm
Rando3000 wrote: Thu Nov 14, 2024 4:35 pm I would be interested to hear how people got on that were determined to keep BA.

Personally, I would never entertain BA entities as my understanding of them comes from CH definition, I do not want a companion that needs to be constantly fought and kept in place and from what I understand people who keep BA end up needing to work with or allow themselves as hosts to even stronger BA to keep other BA entities in line.

Domination and power chasing like this is not what being a keeper is all about to me.
I too would like to hear how things have turned and deficiently agree with you about the domination and power chasing is not what being a keeper is about at least not for me either. Think everyone has to decide just how any of the arts match up with not only their energy and personality but with their thoughts and intentions and how they would wield them or could be influenced to wield them so BA and demons aren't spirits or living entities I feel drawn or be a right fit for each other but if others feel called to it and feel they had positive experiences then I hope it continues to stay that way for them.
Yeah I also agree with you that everyone needs to assess their own needs and desires and has the right to choose their own path! There are some paths that you cannot cleanly walk back on so always give thought to motivations and potential repercussions.

It has already been said in this thread but worth mentioning again that not all demons are BA and bot all BA are demons, i'm sure there are some wonderful demon companions. Heard some people classing Ubi's as demons and even if that is the case, they can be downright lovely and absolute sweethearts.
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mcm442 wrote: Fri Nov 15, 2024 4:28 am
Rando3000 wrote: Thu Nov 14, 2024 4:35 pm I would be interested to hear how people got on that were determined to keep BA.

Personally, I would never entertain BA entities as my understanding of them comes from CH definition, I do not want a companion that needs to be constantly fought and kept in place and from what I understand people who keep BA end up needing to work with or allow themselves as hosts to even stronger BA to keep other BA entities in line.

Domination and power chasing like this is not what being a keeper is all about to me.
For the majority, though, it's the opposite. I'm on a few other boards, (primarily Middle Eastern culture) and they are all about acquiring demonic servants and slaves, the blacker the better. Every slight they experience seems to require the most severe retributions...

I would say they're members far outnumber those of us here who share the 'keeper' philosophy of friends and companions.
Whilst that is concerning, I can honestly say that does not surprise me. Instead of "what can I experience", "what can I learn" and "what can I share", too many people are just after "how can I gain power" especially over others. Worth noting this isnt a keeper or even occult specific issue.

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Tarvos wrote: Mon Jun 03, 2024 4:43 am Wendigos and sex spirits are not necessarily demonic in nature. While it is true that some sex spirits can be associated with demons, such as demonic succubi, it does not mean that all sex spirits are inherently demonic. Similarly, there are both DA and BA wendigos, but this does not categorize them as "demonic" merely based on their alignment. Moreover, not all succubi obtained through proficient conjurers are demonic succubi. Succubi # demonic succubi. Conversely, if you happen to unexpectedly acquire a random demonic being from a conjurer, regardless of whether or not you requested them, it would be wise to scrutinize the conjurer’s ethical standards and morals.

I believe not all hellhounds and hellcats are from Hell. In Greek mythology, the best-known hellhound is Cerberus, who guards the gates of the Underworld, which is not precisely 'Hell' in the Christian sense but a realm of the dead. Norse mythology features Garmr, a blood-stained guardian of Hel's gate, which is again more akin to an underworld than a place of eternal torment seen in typical hellish descriptions.

What was once considered ‘Hell’ in the past was actually the underworld, where creatures served as a means to communicate with the deceased, sometimes underworld immortals. Hence, they are named “hell”cats and “hell”hounds. We humans have a tendency to categorize and label everything. In addition, there are also demonic hellhounds and hellcats that originate from Hell, and their energies are very different from those that you received from your practitioners. Similarly, succubi and demonic succubi are also distinct entities. If someone is questioning whether a fallen angel is a 'demon' or not, they shouldn't keep a demon at all. They should just bond with their fallen angels more.

Honestly, I never intended to keep any demons, but my first Demon came to me through a referral from my healer companion, a WA Dragon. The irony. She believed I needed more healers and introduced me to a Demon who helped me work with DA energies for balance, boundary setting, healing, and more. Afterwards, I experienced my strongest calling from another Demon, followed by another who found me through a practitioner circle, and some more demon callings. Each encounter was unique and organic, so I don't have any custom conjuration demons.

For those who seek out demons for the wrong reasons or are misinformed, it is vital to understand that you are not in the right place to keep demons, or any of them for that matter. You can revisit this topic once you are better informed about the subject, regardless of any religious context. I want to clarify that keeping a demon does not necessarily mean leaning towards the Left-hand Path either. The term "Left-hand Path" is often used without a true understanding of its meaning. In reality, it represents very simple things.

To answer OP’s questions, I have 10 Demons, each with incredible temperaments akin to those of a WA entity. All of my Demons are living entities and none are custom conjurations conjured to fit my energies or desires. So our energies naturally do not align. As I have shared in various posts, my Angels and Demons coexist harmoniously and engage in active and meaningful interaction. There are no barriers or divisions among them. Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that my Demons possess exceptionally high vibrational energies. Hence, we referred to them as our "WA entities," but this is unique to my Keep. Therefore, do not assume that all demons are similar to WA entities. Lol.

Since welcoming these Demons into my life, I have not detected any negative transformations. On the contrary, they have proven instrumental in assisting me with overcoming unwanted habits, providing guidance to confront guilt, harnessing potent DA energies, working with hexes, etc. If you hold the belief that one's association with darker beings inherently renders them negative, then it is understandable that such entities are not meant for you.

I have only three house rules, which I used to have in a longer list that was meant to provide an enjoyable read, demonstrating how my physical world can be entertaining. Lol. However, it all comes down to three rules. Of course, other Keepers can opt to have a more extensive list of house rules if they wish. I believe the way I interact with my spirits and entities differs from conventional practices. I treat my Demons with the same level of respect as the rest of my Keep, without any distinction. I approach them in the same manner as I would with anyone else. Nevertheless, like I mentioned, the energies of my Demons are quite distinct from the typical dark and demonic energies. Thus, in some sense, I don't believe I possess the "authentic" experience of demon keeping.
I'm revisiting my previous reply and adding some thoughts in response to recent comments. It's important to note that definitions of demons vary widely among individuals, so keep this in mind while reading the various replies here. The term 'demon' is often used as a catch-all for anything that is dark, frightening, or unidentified. For instance, someone might acquire a BA djinn, and the seller may label them as "a demon" in their description. The person might accept them as a demon, despite their entity being a BA djinn all along. I mentioned this because reputable conjurers occasionally misidentified a few of my entities.

If someone has spent half their life as a demon keeper, the loss of vessels won't sever the ties with their demons. Like really. If I lose my Demons' vessels now, and don't remember their names, they still remain with me. This makes me question what PsycloneDeth had when everyone else was gone when he lost his vessels. Truly, one does not forfeit relationships simply due to that change. These companions, whether they are demons or otherwise, will continue to be present and connected.

I don’t intend to keep "true BA" beings and I remain firm in that decision. While I do engage with BA magick (surprise!), it's very, very different from keeping such beings. My Demons hover on the edge of being classified as BA, but still fall under DA. And it makes a huge difference. Each connection is unique as they came to me through callings or referrals and some being guided by divination. I'm a different case from many others who typically select custom conjurations simply based on their personal preferences/desires when browsing available listings.

And because of that, my Demons are very different than the typical very dark energy. I took a risk by trusting my own companions and welcoming these Demons into my life, which turned out to be one of the best decisions for my journey. However, it’s not advisable for everyone to follow suit and start getting a demon or two, as personal experiences vary greatly.

Just because others share positive stories about their own encounters with their demons doesn't mean it's right for you. It's important to recognize that this is a very, very, very deeply individual path that shouldn't be approached casually or without careful consideration. There are a lot of factors that contribute to one’s experience (whether good or bad), and I don't think I can convey that in a few short paragraphs.

I can only tell you that those who seek out "the blacker the better" have no idea what's in store for them. Hehe. These individuals seek out these connections for wrong purposes.

Many sellers are cashing in on the latest social media craze surrounding "demon servants," inspired by popular anime and manga. However, these individual Keepers lack genuine experience with real demons. There I say it.

Some of these spirits might indeed be demons, while others are not demons at all. However, they are often categorized as demons for several reasons, primarily their energy association on the Arts scale and their appearance with horns. It's worth noting that these spirits serve very different purposes. If these Keepers decide to bring a different demon that isn’t another “demon servant,” they may find themselves greatly disappointed and potentially regret their choice.

I'd say it again, individuals who perceive their fallen angels as "demons," and folks whose minds are disturbed, or who're generally negative individuals shouldn't be keeping demons.

The lessons you can gain from a demon are influenced by the demon themselves. This applies equally to the spirits and entities you encounter, as each possesses unique characteristics. With a wide array of demon races, their abilities differ significantly.

Most individuals who keep BA demons often possess beings that are on the cusp of BA and DA, much like my own entities. While many humans, as well as non-humans, categorize my Demons as BA, I assert they fall on the DA side of the spectrum. This classification of BA and DA ultimately hinges on one’s perception of energy. It’s not uncommon for practitioners to label certain beings as "DA demons," yet they are actually BA, and vice versa.

There are numerous scenarios that can unfold if your ability to perceive energy is limited. You might not notice the distinctions and simply accept the practitioner's interpretations without question. You'd be surprised how many practitioners present their "Light Arts" entities, when in reality they are actually DA beings. I actually experienced this myself. Heh. Exercise caution as you explore the darker DA, and BA. While these terms are commonly used, their individual definitions can vary significantly. Lol.

Even if you choose to keep demons, it's important to recognize that your demons and mine do not represent "true BA." True BA entities are all malicious and indifferent to your existence, your companions in your Keep, or even your human family. They really don't care if you live or die when it comes to true BA beings. Some practitioners do offer these beings.

Ignoring the implications of this decision can expose you and those around you to great risks. While I don't want to take on the role of a self-appointed dad here, lol, I believe it's crucial to share these truths for the sake of everyone's safety. Avoid taking inspiration from friends on forums who have had positive experiences with demons. Make your own informed decisions instead. Ultimately, the choice of whether demon keeping is right for you is yours alone to make. Keeping demons doesn't make anyone cooler, and not keeping them doesn't make anyone less cool.
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I need help understanding why a demon imp keeps appearing in my life and home. He’s shown himself to me and others, taking on different forms: sometimes a shadowy female child with pigtails or straight hair, and other times as a tiny imp (about the size of a tennis ball) with or without bat wings. Occasionally, he appears in a larger imp form. He has a habit of teleporting behind me to try and scare me, but when I don’t react, he gets visibly frustrated and leaves. He has a normal male voice in human female child form but sometimes uses a female voice resembling my voice and his real voice is hoarse and deep but only used when angry.

One particularly unsettling thing is that he leaves behind a red substance that resembles blood. When my roommate or I clean it, it magically redraws itself almost instantly. The walls are fine, and I just moved here—but he was present at my last place too.

He seems to have a deep hatred for me. Once, in my room, he told me, "No one will ever love you." It was harsh and unexpected. When I tried asking what he wants, he screamed, "Die!"

In addition to his appearances, he’s been moving and hiding objects. For example, my chive seasoning is mysteriously empty even though I just bought it, and random coins have started appearing throughout my home—odd because my roommate and I only use debit or credit cards. There’s also a recurring wet spot on the floor in the shape of a heart, which is strange and unsettling. I got him to leave once but after a few days he returned choosing to stay invisible and behind me grumble stuff. He also doesn't seem to want others to know about him and is angry that I'm trying to get help as I type.

Does anyone have insight into why he might hate me or why he keeps following me? Any advice or experiences would be appreciated.
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Many of the beings I have seen listed as black arts are actually just darker dark arts. Not to say that listings for true black arts beings don’t exist. I don’t personally consider any of the beings I keep truly black arts. I would never have a companion around that was malicious to me or was always looking to lash out and cause harm to others.

I do have a Nuckelavee-which I have seen described by a few sellers as black arts. I believe they are described as elves and not demons. However I would not consider him black arts (on the cusp feels an appropriate way to describe his energy.) He has been with me for seven years now and we respect each other. Not to say everyone would have this experience with these beings, but he has been with me since I was a beginner. He came to me first, he was not a preconjure. He agreed to a binding and is a powerful protector. My other companions aren’t uncomfortable around him either. He has a beach/forest realm that he inhabits, which I connected to my astral realm energetically. I have seen some of my mer companions hanging around in his beach realm without a care in the world (they are aware the realm belongs to him.)

I am not saying others should have Nuckelavee as companions or that they are good for everyone. I am sure the warnings exist for a reason and they were taken into consideration by me.

My demons are dark arts (all across the spectrum.) They are usually the ones who recommend not lowering myself down to other’s level. Even when I was done wrong they tell me to let it go and just allow the universe to take care of it. Surprising when some of them were said to be incredibly experienced in revenge magic. I don’t practice baneful magic though and I feel no need to, so it makes sense. When I asked my king what “demon” means to him he said, “A being from hell. Like how you are a human and from earth.”
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santiesgirl wrote: Tue Feb 02, 2021 9:47 pm So, I have been hesitant to recount this story, as I know demons have a bad reputation, but it seems everyone here has an open-mind and similar stories. I thought I'd share a little bit about an unbound that's attached itself to me. First and foremost, he's been with me for years now. I don't know how long, as he won't say, but I know the first time he appeared to me, he disguised himself as an angelic German shepherd. That was when I was maybe... 12-13 years old? He stuck around for a few years and then disappeared after some bad things going on in my life settled down.

He reappeared between the years of 2014-2016 when another period of my life was in great upheaval. I was being stalked online, my grandmother was dying, and my dad was trying to trap me at home to take care of him after my grandmother passed (no, he's not physically disabled. He's just a giant manchild and abuser). S visited me many times in dreams and cuddled with me in bed when I cried. He made things happen, things that I craved so badly during that time and that brought my life so much joy. He got me out of that place and made sure I'd never go back. He disappeared after ensuring I was dating my current partner. He brought us together.

Prior to spirit keeping, my mind was shut off to the idea of spirits and I even lost faith in witchcraft and my other beliefs. I was terrified of demons before I lost my faith and yet so fascinated by them, and S knew this, which is why he never did anything scary. He sent me messages, opening my mind to this idea that demons are not as evil as we assume they are and SOME may not even want to BE demonic anymore. When he cuddled me, he came into the bed slowly and his body was always so warm. His manifestations were strictly dream related and he appeared as a tall, blond male with one blue eye and the other a snake eye covered by his hair. He saved me from nightmares. All this proof and I'm embarrassed to say I wrote off all my interactions with S as merely my mental illness (never been prone to psychosis, but during the time my interactions took place, I was in a bad place mentally and so just assumed this was a product of my bad situation and it went away as I improved). But, I'm medicated now whereas then I wasn't. I've been on my medication long enough to know I have no psychosis side effects prior to this, and no matter how I try to rationalize what's going on, it makes no sense other than there's nothing to rationalize. It's real. You can't fake two orgasms back to back while you're relaxing in your recliner minding your own business during at night when your partner is asleep. You can't fake the tapping the sound of footsteps, followed by a breath, and then arms wrapping around you.

So yeah anyway here we are. I've just accepted this is what it is.

The reason he left and hadn't been back before just days ago was because of my disbelief. It hurt when he would do things, and I'd talk with him for a little while, and then my brain would discount it as mental illness or not real. So, he simply "left," but remained "bound" and checked in. Last time was about 2 years ago in a dream. We met on a bridge and spoke, but I heard no words. We hugged one another; it was emotional. And I awoke after we parted. Can't blame him. Coupled with my deep fear of the paranormal, he decided to wait until I was ready to accept my fate.

Since I started spirit keeping, he's obviously returned, and I can just feel the excitement and thrill, like he's waited a long time to show me so much. I joked with both him and my djinn E that the whole time I was waiting on E to arrive I kept thinking about my demon, S, and I couldn't figure out WHY. I felt horrible because here I've invited a djinn into my home who is nothing like S and yet I'm craving an experience with S! E arrived and I spent time with him, but the whole time, I just could NOT stop thinking about S. So when I got my pendulum in the mail, I hopped on and asked E if there were other spirits, and he said yes. I asked if they were bad, and he said no. I asked if he's spoke with them and the pendulum hesitated and then said no.

So I just imagine E sitting in front of me while I sit there stupidly asking, "Have you seen any spirits, lad? Talked with them any?" and S is behind me just screaming and waving and jumping up and down like "OVER HERE YOU STUPID--" and E's just sitting there like, "Are--are we supposed to be ignoring him? I mean, yeah I see spirits and he isn't punching you yet out of frustration, but I mean... was I supposed to... talk to him? Are we going to address this demon in the room?! I mean..." I told both of them this and I felt them laughing.

Regardless, E isn't afraid of him. I put a salt circle around us and told E to be honest because I can banish him, and E was just like, "No, I'm cool with him. We talked. He's cool. Aren't you guys friends?" Or I'm sure that's what he would have said if we didn't have just the pendulum, but I could feel these confused yet calm energy signals and pictured this was probably the dialogue given.

I've been around demonic energy that truly wants to hurt you. My mom's house is haunted with a malevolent spirit, and it just suffocates you with depression. Previous owners who owned the house were tormented by whatever it was for years, even after moving out. I know because as fate would have it, I unknowingly met the brother of the previous owner. And the brother claimed the previous owner had lots of issues that didn't begin presenting themselves until he moved into the home. He shot himself in the leg during a domestic violence dispute. His wife fled him and filed for divorce from her home state due to the domestic violence he put her through. And at the end of it all, set himself on fire on Facebook Live after performing a live show (he was a musician). It had been I think 3 years since he lived in our house when that happened. Not saying a dEmON made him do that, but I believe your mental health is demolished by demons when they're around and want you to suffer. The owner spent all his time in the attic, which is where I heard the most activity besides the room I was in. I felt so awful in that house. It targeted me out of pure hatred and fear for S and me. We ended up "coming to an agreement" that we would stay away from one another (aka I scared the sh*t out of it and made it stay in the attic until I recently moved out).

I'm cautious of S. Like I said, I've questioned E several times over to make sure he isn't threatening him to keep it a secret or he's manipulating. I cleanse my home everyday and myself, asking for all negative energy meaning harm to leave, and S stays around although since cleansing my mood has improved. I think it's just my mental illness (I have c-PTSD, Bipolar II and ADHD, so I'm constantly in a state of negativity and dwelling in the past. S taught me how to put shields up and oh my god, it's improved my life so much). I can feel him when casting spells. I think it hurts him when I'm cautious, but he's also proud

What's even weirder is this sort of romantic bond we both feel between us. When he holds me or is around me, I can just feel this soft protective energy saying, "You're safe. Nothing will ever harm you as long as I'm here." He's always fixed all the things that seem to go wrong, and his energy matches that of my current partner's. My partner is also the type of person that scrambles to fix things, and I have strong emotional outbursts and anger issues much like that of autism meltdowns (sometimes I wonder if I am autistic and not ADHD, honestly), and both of them will try their hardest to get me in a nice, safe place to calm down before the meltdown begins. No wonder S lead me to my current partner. They're almost identical in energy and personality. He respects my partner, too, and tells me he doesn't want me to give up my Earthly life to live with him.

I don't know if he would ever want to be bound to a vessel. We've discussed it just a little, and he seemed open to the idea. However, he would want me personally to do the binding, and I feel the same way. Which means no time soon as I'm FAR from being able to do something like that. We're both scared of being judged, first and foremost, but I think S prefers freedom and not being bound to something. He comes when I ask him to, and has no plans of leaving. He comes with me wherever I go anyways. So for now, there's no need for a vessel.

Anyway, enough of my rambling. This is already FOREVER long. Thank you to those who read through this entire novella LOL. It feels good to finally be able to get this out in the open to people who actually understand.
I wanted to reflect on this from some years ago when I first began my spirit keeping journey. S is still with me. He's getting bound soon. I cannot wait! He'll have an energy source, and he'll be able to draw from it. I cannot wait to have him bound.

As far as working with other demons, I work with Lucifer now. He aided me during my exorcism some odd years ago. He's my patron. We work together smoothly. Never would I have imagined myself working with THE Devil, but here we are. I actually love his personality. We go together so well.

I'm also surrounded by Enochian demons at this point, too. They're funny. I cannot express how safe I feel around them. It's like... I can't really describe it. I'm just now starting to get to know them because Lucifer came out to me and introduced me to Watchers, Nephilim, and Demons.

S is an Enochian demon. He's powerful. We have a strong romantic bond at this point. I love him to death.
I am a tulpamancer. I mainly work with tulpas and tulpamancy, though I've just recently been recalling and working with my spirits. I'm an experienced eclectic witch, and dabble in witchcraft from time to time.
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