Sebastiaan Faasen TheYogaPunk Seller!

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Your favorite spirit to work with: Vampires
If I could be anything, I would be...: Vampire
My super power would be...: Read other's minds
My magical/paranormal name...: Ravyn

<3 I can't help but brag on this seller. He made sure that my vampire would be compatible with me before matching us up. I like that he doesn't sugar coat things and is 100% honest. My vampire and I made official contact a few days after he came. The funny thing was I knew what he looked like way before the seller gave me the description. He does amazing work! /.\
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Number of Spirits: 38
Spelled Number: 25
Your favorite spirit to work with: Deerfolk LE
If I could be anything, I would be...: Unhindered
My super power would be...: See spirits in true form
My magical/paranormal name...: Attis Anchor

Sadly, I wasn't allowed to purchase any companions from them, as enticing as some are. However, I have received a couple portals so far.

My journey with 'portal' technologies is still in its infancy, but I can attest to the legitimacy of them. I have other portals from a vetted conjurors and from CH, and TheYogaPunk's stand toe-to-toe with them.

My companions also say they are all on the level--even so much as to ban me from purchasing some of them, lol.

And damn, at those 'grand opening' prices, they can't be beat!
A wise Earthen Elemental Wolf Spirit once said to me,
"Why speak magick? Be magick!"
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You are...: in the learning process
Male/Female: Male
Number of Spirits: 80
Spelled Number: 200
Your favorite spirit to work with: Cleopatra Djinn
If I could be anything, I would be...: Gancanagh
My super power would be...: See spirits in true form
My magical/paranormal name...: "The Other Wise Raven of Odin" (My UN in Old Icelandic)

I've gotten 3 spirits and 5 portals from Sebastian at this point. All were at door-buster prices and I am especially happy with the demon butler who came off SUPER strong within hours of being bound. Highly recommend his shop for anyone wanting to try something new
Keriix Lunaria's Wise Raven
Want a rune reading? Search "Wise Raven Rune Readings" on here

"I wear the sun. Reflect me in yourself, and yourself in me." - H, Cleopatra Djinn
"Do not struggle against your emotions. Feel them. They are real. They exist. Then they will pass." - L, Kinnara
"H-I-T-T-H-U-G-I-N-N" - L, Air Faery saying her favorite animal via pendulum
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If I could be anything, I would be...: Magical girl✨
My super power would be...: Read other's minds

I have several companions and portals from this seller. The one I’m closest to is my Tao Fan elf. He is outspoken, knowledgeable, and has taken interest in my healing practice/supports me in this. My other companions from here are friendly and wonderful as well.

I have not had a chance to use the portals much lately, but I know my companions have been enjoying them.
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You are...: in the learning process
Number of Spirits: 1
Your favorite spirit to work with: Vampires
If I could be anything, I would be...: Vampire
My super power would be...: Read other's minds
My magical/paranormal name...: Ravyn

mcm442 wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2024 4:01 pm Sadly, I wasn't allowed to purchase any companions from them, as enticing as some are. However, I have received a couple portals so far.

My journey with 'portal' technologies is still in its infancy, but I can attest to the legitimacy of them. I have other portals from a vetted conjurors and from CH, and TheYogaPunk's stand toe-to-toe with them.

My companions also say they are all on the level--even so much as to ban me from purchasing some of them, lol.

And damn, at those 'grand opening' prices, they can't be beat!
I haven't tried the portals yet but I am curious!
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You are...: in the learning process
Number of Spirits: 1
Your favorite spirit to work with: Vampires
If I could be anything, I would be...: Vampire
My super power would be...: Read other's minds
My magical/paranormal name...: Ravyn

Hitthuginn wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2024 5:20 pm I've gotten 3 spirits and 5 portals from Sebastian at this point. All were at door-buster prices and I am especially happy with the demon butler who came off SUPER strong within hours of being bound. Highly recommend his shop for anyone wanting to try something new
Yes, my vampire came too me with super strong energy too! It was amazing!
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Number of Spirits: 1
Your favorite spirit to work with: Vampires
If I could be anything, I would be...: Vampire
My super power would be...: Read other's minds
My magical/paranormal name...: Ravyn

Hazell wrote: Mon Jul 22, 2024 7:31 pm I have several companions and portals from this seller. The one I’m closest to is my Tao Fan elf. He is outspoken, knowledgeable, and has taken interest in my healing practice/supports me in this. My other companions from here are friendly and wonderful as well.

I have not had a chance to use the portals much lately, but I know my companions have been enjoying them.
Aww! Your elf sounds awesome!
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Is this even real? I mean on the Esty shop. I found him almost all his items are like $2, $3. I highly doubt you'd be able to conjure any dragon sprit (or any sprit) in that price. If it were the case, everyone would be selling for max $4-$5. Can anyone confirm?
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You are...: in the learning process
Male/Female: Male
Number of Spirits: 80
Spelled Number: 200
Your favorite spirit to work with: Cleopatra Djinn
If I could be anything, I would be...: Gancanagh
My super power would be...: See spirits in true form
My magical/paranormal name...: "The Other Wise Raven of Odin" (My UN in Old Icelandic)

sunnydisconnected wrote: Sun Dec 01, 2024 1:01 pm Is this even real? I mean on the Esty shop. I found him almost all his items are like $2, $3. I highly doubt you'd be able to conjure any dragon sprit (or any sprit) in that price. If it were the case, everyone would be selling for max $4-$5. Can anyone confirm?
I know the prices are insane (and I have advised her that she needs to set them to more reasonable levels because at $2 it's barely worth the time to make a write-up), but the bindings both for portals and spirits are very real. My demon butler S has made herself a big figure in my keep. Her binding was for $7 at the time and I thought THAT was a steal. If anything from TYP's shop interests you, be sure to pull the trigger before she closes up for good in the coming week
Keriix Lunaria's Wise Raven
Want a rune reading? Search "Wise Raven Rune Readings" on here

"I wear the sun. Reflect me in yourself, and yourself in me." - H, Cleopatra Djinn
"Do not struggle against your emotions. Feel them. They are real. They exist. Then they will pass." - L, Kinnara
"H-I-T-T-H-U-G-I-N-N" - L, Air Faery saying her favorite animal via pendulum
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Hitthuginn wrote: Sun Dec 01, 2024 1:11 pm
sunnydisconnected wrote: Sun Dec 01, 2024 1:01 pm Is this even real? I mean on the Esty shop. I found him almost all his items are like $2, $3. I highly doubt you'd be able to conjure any dragon sprit (or any sprit) in that price. If it were the case, everyone would be selling for max $4-$5. Can anyone confirm?
If anything from TYP's shop interests you, be sure to pull the trigger before she closes up for good in the coming week
What do you mean? Is she retiring?
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