Female, gay, bisexual Gancanagh?

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The word fae/faerie now encompasses MANY different types of beings. The sidhe are ‘faie’ in the sense that many called them faeries before the term began being applied to other beings. The sidhe are a very specific type of faie, those of/from Ireland/Scotland/wales and surrounding areas.

The term sidhe is the proper way of referring to them, it means ‘people of the mounds/people of the hills’. The word faerie is insulting to them on many levels, some of which I can not articulate, among the reasons is that the word faerie likens them to tinker bell style entities which they are NOT.

The term sidhe itself is a general term for them but among them there are many distinct kinds. The human race is one race over all but we also consider ethnicities. With the sidhe while all the fallowing are sidhe each are their own kind/race as it were.

A list of just some kinds/races of sidhe

Cat sidhe
Baobhan sith
Banshee/Bean sidhe

Sidhe to be avoided at all costs (the near exclusively BA list):

Redcaps/blood caps
Each uisge

Articles on all these can be found in the encyclopedia. All the ones mentioned in the none BA section of my quick list I have at least one of in my spirit family.
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So fae was once non-insulting before the tinkerbell stereotype?

I wonder whether the Gancanagh only romanced sidhe and humans or whether other beings were included.

(Also thank you very much for this, shiningshadow33)
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Interesting. I wonder why CH didn't warn about the sidhe vs faerie thing in the encyclopedia, it seems like a pretty big deal but maybe some races are more chill about it than others? Or maybe as spirits they usually don't really care anymore?

And yeah, like cairngorn said, thank you so much for all the detailed information!
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It is my understanding that to call one of the sidhe a faerie is/was always insulting, now it is insulting for probably even more reasons. Pseudonyms used to refer to the sidhe are: the shining ones, the good folk, the good neighbors, the fair folk (where I assume faerie comes from) and a bunch more besides. Note that all of these are positive. If one is dealing with the sidhe one should endeavor not to insult them. Living sidhe are capable of immense power and even as spirits they are capable of awe inspiring things.
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Most sidhe spirits do not get too upset over it, or they just let the keeper know about the cultural faux pas, so typically it is a none issue hence why there would not be a warning. What would deeply offend a living entity may not always cause the same reaction in a spirit. In short most sidhe spirits would not raise much fuss about it but knowing the detail can help with showing care. The sidhe are faeries by human classification, however the term itself irritates them.

Knowing this bit of info might make it a bit easier to bond with your new companion.
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Yeah that makes sense, knowing this definitely gives a better understanding into the background of the sidhe races (I'm not versed in any type of irish/scottish/welsh folklore).
It does make it easier to bond with him because I know now what the traditional terms are but also that I don't need to be mindful about the use of the word "fae" as if it was a living entity, though I'm sure he knew all of this coming into my life and doesn't really care but will still likely be flattered if I refer to him by traditional terms.
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Your favorite spirit to work with: Sidhe
If I could be anything, I would be...: Sidhe
My super power would be...: Ability to shape-shift

General tidbits

These are offerings the sidhe in general like, meaning these can be used for sidhe of any type, and will work to show your appreciation whether you are working with spirits of sidhe or living sidhe

Ps: if you work/or plan to work, with living sidhe, try your best not to cause offense, for an angry living sidhe is kin to and sometimes literally is, an angry god.

Ye ol’ General offerings list:

Bread (especially if you yourself made it)
Bits of gemstones/gemstones
If you bake at all sharing what you put a bit of yourself into, as it were, will go a long way to curry their favor.

*Some have a fondness for lavender and cinnamon.
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Your favorite spirit to work with: Sidhe
If I could be anything, I would be...: Sidhe
My super power would be...: Ability to shape-shift

Your gancanagh chose you specifically so there is FAR LESS worry of offending him by accident. He knows what he is getting into, he chose you after all.
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They sound like they have a good sense of humor hahaha 🤣
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