Sirius A and B. The Hopi Prophesy. The Dogon. Nibiru.

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Alaric wrote: Thu Oct 17, 2024 11:11 pm
Plax wrote: Thu Oct 17, 2024 4:17 pm
Alaric wrote: Tue Oct 15, 2024 10:59 pm [...]Taoism

A modern Taoist teacher / master who I studied under said he believed the entire Taoist system was transmitted to humans from beings in the Sirius star system. That was not just an idea of his but, as with all of his work, was backed up with practical spiritual work. In one memorable group online session he taught us in what I like to call an initiated way, like a transmission, how to call the Sirius ray down, into the body & let it heal as it spread throughout. I could sense the Sirius intelligences / beings that came with the light....were in the light...and then withdrew when the healing was complete.

I still get that every time I use the technique. Amazing.
I have a question. The transmission method you speak of is this similar to star bathing? If not I would love to know the difference. As always you have provided a lot of great information. Thank you.
I don't know what you refer to as star bathing. I've used various techniques for accessing/bringing down into me the energy of stars (including our Sun). Each one can be described as a form of bathing. The one I mention above is one of 3 Taoist techniques I've used.

The reason I haven't attempted to set it down in writing is mainly because it's used as part of a fairly complex modern Taoist magical/meditative system devised/discovered by the taoist teacher I mentioned. It involves first entering a taoist-style inducted meditative, transcendent state. I'm not at all confident I could transmit it effectively. He did group sessions with an intent similar to how I think Reiki is transmitted to students. He called it 'talismanic'.

In my opinion he was truly an adept/master. I'm not.

& @madgar29

If I can find the session in which he taught that technique among the You Tube recordings archived there since his death, I'll post it here.
I took a break from the internet for some time, but what you described is what I meant.

That sounds like a life changing experience.
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Plax wrote: Tue Dec 10, 2024 1:45 pm I took a break from the internet for some time, but what you described is what I meant.

That sounds like a life changing experience.
It was certainly powerful / amazing, as with many or most, if not all of that teacher's work. And the insight was special.

Yes, that Sirius blue light experience solved the conundrum of what's going on there for me - empirically, not in terms of abstract theory.
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