Beltane! Celebrate with the faes

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Crossover93 wrote: Sat Dec 14, 2024 11:52 am Interesting. Also though the movie is recent I think Beltane was depicted in Midsommar
That might have been explained by the fact that in some countries Maypole dancing is done at Midsummer. See However...the film Midsommar has taken creative liberties with the name Beltane, departing from the actual Swedish tradition.

"Midsommar's Hårga is also distinguished from the song "Hårga" in another major way: Its association with the May Queen. The May Queen isn't a part of the Sweden's midsummer festivals, but rather part of May Day, an ancient holiday celebrated around Europe to commemorate springtime fertility and the arrival of warmer weather." ... l-dark-one

Beltane simply marks the midpoint in the solar year between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. Maypole dancing is more flexible, it seems.
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Yeah I had a feeling that they've made many mixed combinations with may day and middsommar. But yeah I like the film. I wish they'd make Beltane a federal holiday hahaha
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