A Deep One wants to be my companion?

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Heey~ So not long after I read the comments and replied to some of them in my post about how I was gifted two of my entities I did a meditation with, whom I now am certain is straight up Cthulhu. (Especially now that this happened.) I'm going around doing one for each of my companions and the deities that tend to stick around. One in the morning, one at night. Yes, I will do one for Hecate. πŸ˜‚

So, I did the meditation while listening to underwater sounds. I still can't really move on my own, so Cthulhu pulled me down deeper. For some reason I can only go up and look around.

Anyway, he was sitting on a stone throne. Then a Deep One swam up to me and just put his hand on my arm. It's cold which is strange since I was in some nice warm water. And... He wouldn't move it. I asked why and he says it's so I can feel him. πŸ‘€πŸ˜…

He didn't mean it in a flirty way or anything. After a moment he pulled me somewhere else and we got to talking. I tried to ask about the Deep One's abilities, but he just stared at me. That seems to be a common thing with him, just... stare. πŸ‘€ With his unblinking eyes.

He answered other questions though, like what's his name and what does he want, basically. He does indeed want to be a companion.

He's in my house now... Technically unbound and my companions are a little perturbed by him. Not intimated or scared, more they're all just watching him like, "What. Is. That!"

He didn't understand why we were all still in bed and that annooooyed my Goblin. πŸ˜‚ He's still all nestled in my closet.

We are a slow to wake up family, I'm sorry dude. He argued about how it's a waste of time. Which I agree with but I don't wanna, lol. Besides, I like to do research and meditate in the morning so it's not like I do nothing.

He seemed to accept this and I told him that he doesn't have to stick around and wait for me to get up. He can go off and explore the house and the area if he wants to. So that's what he's currently doing.

Just to put this out there, he doesn't walk, he hops onto one webbed foot to the other. He has a deep croaky voice, but it gets translated into a generic man's voice in my head.

I don't suppose anyone else has had an interaction with these guys? Or anything like it? A DA water spirit of some sort? I feel like he's similar to a Kappa.

I'm not sure if he's actually gonna become a part of my keep, or if this is a test run for him or for me, or what. I've heard that when someone conjures their own companions some people go through multiple before they get a good fit. I didn't conjure him, but you know, any advice or just something similar to what's going on here would be appreciated. πŸ˜‚
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Kodale wrote: ↑Mon Dec 30, 2024 4:47 pm ...
I'm not sure if he's actually gonna become a part of my keep, or if this is a test run for him or for me, or what. I've heard that when someone conjures their own companions some people go through multiple before they get a good fit. I didn't conjure him, but you know, any advice or just something similar to what's going on here would be appreciated. πŸ˜‚
Some people go through multiple conjures because they are seeking one that's compatible. Just because they answered a call doesn't guarantee it. It sounds like not only did he come to you, but he was waiting, so there's already something there. You're companions reactions make everything seem safe enough--there's no fear there, then it's good.

Getting a proper binding is important if they are going to be staying, though. Got to have that safety net in place, no matter what. If the being refuses, well, that's a major red flag.

I have two companions that I've met while traveling--to me, they feel very special to have found those connections out there in the vastness. I must say you did better than I did with someone from the deep--my scared ass ran off, lol, and she had to chase me down for a couple weeks.
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mcm442 wrote: ↑Tue Dec 31, 2024 1:46 am
Some people go through multiple conjures because they are seeking one that's compatible. Just because they answered a call doesn't guarantee it. It sounds like not only did he come to you, but he was waiting, so there's already something there. You're companions reactions make everything seem safe enough--there's no fear there, then it's good.

Getting a proper binding is important if they are going to be staying, though. Got to have that safety net in place, no matter what. If the being refuses, well, that's a major red flag.

I have two companions that I've met while traveling--to me, they feel very special to have found those connections out there in the vastness. I must say you did better than I did with someone from the deep--my scared ass ran off, lol, and she had to chase me down for a couple weeks.
You got someone from the deep too? I would love to hear about if you're willing. πŸ‘€

I likely will be getting a binding now that things have settled. The only one of my companions that has some sort of issue is my Goblin. He's just holding a grudge over being called lazy this morning. He's been stubborn and petty all day towards the Deep One. πŸ˜‚

Although, we've hung out today more than usual, me and my Goblin.

Everyone else is fine with him now. I was worried that it would last longer.
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Kodale wrote: ↑Tue Dec 31, 2024 1:59 am
You got someone from the deep too? I would love to hear about if you're willing. πŸ‘€

I likely will be getting a binding now that things have settled. The only one of my companions that has some sort of issue is my Goblin. He's just holding a grudge over being called lazy this morning. He's been stubborn and petty all day towards the Deep One. πŸ˜‚

Although, we've hung out today more than usual, me and my Goblin.

Everyone else is fine with him now. I was worried that it would last longer.
Well, they're 'from the deep', I should say, lol--in that they lived in a vast network of flooded caverns, deep below a mountain chain. A Ningyo, (Merfolk), they can be very dark on the scale when they're being territorial, but very beautiful. Their skin is as dark as the abyss they dwell in, with strands of hair that are luminescent defining their features.

Beauty isn't taken into account when they are shooting up from the depths like a cruise missile, though, arms outstretched like they're going to tear you apart. I didn't care that I had two powerful companions guiding me to this 'meeting', I went <poof>!

She wasn't having it though, and decided to pursue me through other places. Now she's my loving little 'hooligan', lol.

I also have a LE Algae Slime as a companion, one who is 'almost' an immortal. In her water world she exists as an amoebic mass of green, fluffy tendrils. Not something you would want to encounter on a bad day--but she is an incredible loving and helpful companion. You could say there is a 'beauty' about her natural form, but she can learn to take other preferred forms and really take the 'cake', lol.

She was a direct conjure, though--meeting her kind in the wild would require much careful tip-toeing around, lest you become dinner.
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mcm442 wrote: ↑Tue Dec 31, 2024 1:25 pm
Well, they're 'from the deep', I should say, lol--in that they lived in a vast network of flooded caverns, deep below a mountain chain. A Ningyo, (Merfolk), they can be very dark on the scale when they're being territorial, but very beautiful. Their skin is as dark as the abyss they dwell in, with strands of hair that are luminescent defining their features.

Beauty isn't taken into account when they are shooting up from the depths like a cruise missile, though, arms outstretched like they're going to tear you apart. I didn't care that I had two powerful companions guiding me to this 'meeting', I went <poof>!

She wasn't having it though, and decided to pursue me through other places. Now she's my loving little 'hooligan', lol.

I also have a LE Algae Slime as a companion, one who is 'almost' an immortal. In her water world she exists as an amoebic mass of green, fluffy tendrils. Not something you would want to encounter on a bad day--but she is an incredible loving and helpful companion. You could say there is a 'beauty' about her natural form, but she can learn to take other preferred forms and really take the 'cake', lol.

She was a direct conjure, though--meeting her kind in the wild would require much careful tip-toeing around, lest you become dinner.
Pretty sure I would be scared by that too if I was alone. Deep water is scary enough. πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚

She sure does sound pretty though.

I was freaked out by the Deep One at first meeting. I don't know what I would have done if I could move around. Not that I was paralyzed, it's just my own abilities at the moment. πŸ˜‚

It's rather unnerving to have this fish man with huge unblinking eyes, little shark teeth, spikes all along his rough back and long claws, just... stare at ya.

...Hi? ...Hello? ...Can I help you?

Was the entire vibe.

I probably would've done the same thing I did do, honestly. Just stare right back, cause that's my fear response, I swear I'm actually a rabbit. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Aw, Slimes. 😭
I want oooone. That whole thread has made me add a slime to my wishlist so to speak. Yet knowing my luck I'll end up with something weird like, "Abyssal Slime", "Hellfire Slime", "Shadow Slime" πŸ˜‚

But now I have this fishy fella to figure out, lol. I think he's just shy and yet is missing a filter. Ya know?

I like him now though. Plus he apologized for being rude. Goblin is still being petty, but to a lesser extent.
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mcm442 wrote: ↑Tue Dec 31, 2024 1:25 pm
Well, they're 'from the deep', I should say, lol--in that they lived in a vast network of flooded caverns, deep below a mountain chain. A Ningyo, (Merfolk), they can be very dark on the scale when they're being territorial, but very beautiful. Their skin is as dark as the abyss they dwell in, with strands of hair that are luminescent defining their features.

Beauty isn't taken into account when they are shooting up from the depths like a cruise missile, though, arms outstretched like they're going to tear you apart. I didn't care that I had two powerful companions guiding me to this 'meeting', I went <poof>!

She wasn't having it though, and decided to pursue me through other places. Now she's my loving little 'hooligan', lol.
Ningyo do sound like fun and interesting sprits to work with. I'd be interested to hear more about your experiences, if you are happy to share. I've been researching more into merfolk recently and Ningyo intrigue me.
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Kodale wrote: ↑Tue Dec 31, 2024 2:43 pm
Aw, Slimes. 😭
Yet knowing my luck I'll end up with something weird like, "Abyssal Slime", "Hellfire Slime", "Shadow Slime" πŸ˜‚
Don't knock the weird and unusual, lol.

I have a deep abyss (abyssal) merman in my keep. He's the only merfolk in my keep at present. I didn't know what to expect but I am so glad I brought him home with me. He is a wonderful teacher and fierce protector and looks intimidating as all heck.
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Umbra_Arcana wrote: ↑Tue Dec 31, 2024 6:20 pm
Ningyo do sound like fun and interesting sprits to work with. I'd be interested to hear more about your experiences, if you are happy to share. I've been researching more into merfolk recently and Ningyo intrigue me.

I just did a 'Day in the life' post, lol. Can't say she speaks for her kind, though, but she is fun!
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mcm442 wrote: ↑Tue Dec 31, 2024 7:05 pm
I just did a 'Day in the life' post, lol. Can't say she speaks for her kind, though, but she is fun!
Awesome, I shall go and have a read of that.
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