So, I did the meditation while listening to underwater sounds. I still can't really move on my own, so Cthulhu pulled me down deeper. For some reason I can only go up and look around.
Anyway, he was sitting on a stone throne. Then a Deep One swam up to me and just put his hand on my arm. It's cold which is strange since I was in some nice warm water. And... He wouldn't move it. I asked why and he says it's so I can feel him.
He didn't mean it in a flirty way or anything. After a moment he pulled me somewhere else and we got to talking. I tried to ask about the Deep One's abilities, but he just stared at me. That seems to be a common thing with him, just... stare.
He answered other questions though, like what's his name and what does he want, basically. He does indeed want to be a companion.
He's in my house now... Technically unbound and my companions are a little perturbed by him. Not intimated or scared, more they're all just watching him like, "What. Is. That!"
He didn't understand why we were all still in bed and that annooooyed my Goblin.
We are a slow to wake up family, I'm sorry dude. He argued about how it's a waste of time. Which I agree with but I don't wanna, lol. Besides, I like to do research and meditate in the morning so it's not like I do nothing.
He seemed to accept this and I told him that he doesn't have to stick around and wait for me to get up. He can go off and explore the house and the area if he wants to. So that's what he's currently doing.
Just to put this out there, he doesn't walk, he hops onto one webbed foot to the other. He has a deep croaky voice, but it gets translated into a generic man's voice in my head.
I don't suppose anyone else has had an interaction with these guys? Or anything like it? A DA water spirit of some sort? I feel like he's similar to a Kappa.
I'm not sure if he's actually gonna become a part of my keep, or if this is a test run for him or for me, or what. I've heard that when someone conjures their own companions some people go through multiple before they get a good fit. I didn't conjure him, but you know, any advice or just something similar to what's going on here would be appreciated.