Keriix Lunaria wrote: ↑Thu Dec 26, 2024 1:40 pm
Mercy wrote: ↑Mon Dec 16, 2024 2:41 am
This is my 1st post! I saw your's first this evening & thought, wow, that's very generous of you, you're an amazing individual!
I'd love a reading, you don't need any information? If so please let me know, thank you so much!
- From Universe -

may be tiny now, but don’t worry, all things start out tiny. From a wee egg to who you are now, you’ve grown a lot! Instill that sense of nurture in yourself, make sure to give yourself what you need, in order to be what and where you want to be. No matter where you are, the moon is seen, so know that I am here with you, watching over you as you grow. All things that you want, say it out to me. Love, strength, peace, joy. Let it out into the world, so that I may manifest it for you. I care about you, and will bless you.

Thank you so much!
Yes sending lots of positive amazing energies for you and the whole new year ahead!
I began to read & I wasn’t resonating with it yet, but then you began on the middle to end part.. I was upset I couldn’t do what I wanted tonight for Hecate yet as our first time sitting together, & worldly & for her, such a special time too, but - I know she will or she does really now, understand, she’s been watching me I feel, for a while. Understanding. Waiting. Guiding. Much more - hearing about the moon, and watching, it reminded me of her, & earlier, and - made me tear up, as I felt closer to her.
Floor washing this evening I felt this amazing presence, of calmness like she was with me, overall an unexplainable combination of feelings.
You said a few things and that’s what I can relate to it as, I’m excited after this, if it is referring to her - as she’s who I just hit right away in mind reading from the whole middle to end, She’s here with me the whole way, as I got her high/low alter out & so on.. thank you for this. And makes me feel it is okay. Not to be upset. Guiding me to this tonight - as well as my companions to a few other things - it really is such a special night!
Reading your card spread makes me feel confirmation more so now too, that she was with me tonight, hearing me being upset, but - my thoughts… guiding me here - she does watch like she said. Has been. For so so long. I’m so grateful.
Thank you for this