From everything you've written, this would be your first clue. It is never advisable to write a letter of invocation without knowing who/what you are invoking. You may have written Lilith, but without vetting the source and knowing the origins of what you are truly invoking, you could have invited anything in the known Universe.When I got older I wrote a letter to Lilith in my 20s, I suffered a relationship problem and a full blown attack/haunting by some type of entity in my townhome when I was living alone.
Fast forward I got on this website and I asked for an info spirit with the one penny promotion. Within the next month I started suffering from attacks and voices nonstop. I've tried priests pastors paid for protection such as anti-possession anti-hosting of also bought vessels with vocas Portland Angels etc, I've tried other places, but I'm still suffering. It's hard to tell who is trying to help me and not when it comes to the spirits because of the Non-Stop communication on purpose I believe as a form of torment. I've seen doctors in I'm on medication hopefully to help stop it but I know it's real. Thank you for your concern and I hope for your guidance on remedying the situation.
There are a few things here:Thank you for the feedback, however putting the blame on Lilith or a self-invocation method that I did is not the full truth about when I started getting attacked the most. It was actually when I got on this website and asked for an nympho spirit. Since then I started getting attacked the most and felt a type of abusive but also sexual behavior. When I try to communicate with the spirits around me it's almost like they're using voice changers but screaming and talking and fighting with each other all the time including myself. A spirit keeps asking me to **fast**, I fasted 3 weeks on water and was feeling better then stopped then they started telling me I didn't fast long enough
1. If you are under a doctor's care, you should continue to do all they advise, there is nothing supernatural that is going to help with a medical issue. Much of what you've described doesn't sound anything like Spirit Keeping, it sounds like you need to really pursue support from a medical professional for these issues.
2. Nymphos aren't going to attack you, possess you, or cause harm in any way. Spirits who decide to engage in Spirit Keeping with people are not going to torment you, that's not the practice of Keeping.
3. What you are describing sounds a little like sexual guilt, but this would be something you'd want to explore with your doctor or religious adviser.
4. Nymphos would not encourage you to fast only on water for 3 weeks. In fact, there isn't any spirit companion that would encourage that behavior, there isn't any merit in fasting for 3 weeks as related to the practice of Spirit Keeping. Again, this does not sound at all like anything related to Spirit Keeping, and sounds like an issue that needs to be further supported by your medical professional.