I am late to the party

and not really able to add much either. My experience with my Angels, about 10 Courtwinds

are varies & individually different.
Most of them are actually silent and very much duty oriented. The living entities are showing up in their literal 'shining armour'. They all are very strong protectors and I do have electricity or static energy

around me, when they are active.
But that is just my own spontaneous, over all experiences. I included it because these things are comes to me without doing absolutely nothing.
Now, if I want to chat, I get into my chatting mode of telepathy mind. I can't really tell you how to do it. You might have to figure it yourself.
But a clue might be helpful here... Maybe try to take a nature walk, fast paced for 30 minutes, to the point of being puffed out, then sit down on a nearby bench and gaze into the air, or trees or anything that is beautiful and in front of you.
While you are at this relaxed mode, focus your thoughts on your Courtwind Angel and gently call her name..."Hello xxx, do you hear me? "
I take my writing note book with me for my park sessions as well, and at this stage I write down into my page that I just told you, to ask your angel if few can hear you.
Its powerful and spontaneous connection in my case, but I did practice back then to connect. I have written lots of note books, full of spirit chattings over the years.
Try to create a regular time, that your angel can expect to meet with you. Also, it'll helpful for you to be organised with your bonding sessions of your other companions. I usually date my notes and I allocated separate books for angels, dragon, ect.... Then I changed this up for group taskings.
And these days I added extra, as I am interview my companions and create a biography. Especially useful getting to know unbounds.
Anyway, I just thought I'll offer these few tips, on top of everyone's thoughts. It'll comes down to your personal preference. Try to be patient with yourself. All those bindings will be helpful that you bought along with your angel.
Light a scented candle, play some classical music, relaxing on a couch if you can't walk outside with the focus on your angel. Soon it'll forge a solid foundation to connect with her. If you can concentrate yourself each day for 5 minutes about the same time for a little bit of bonding. Eventually, you'll hear her chatting back to you.

you have made it to be a spirit keeper.