Yeah! I just got my first Courtwind Angel from CH!!!

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It's okay, just for reassurance, I removed the description. You won't have anything to worry about, someone cannot take your spirit or entity companion from you if they have the information. Nor can they control you, get to you, or otherwise influence you because they have the information for your companion. Your spirit and entity companions aren't tools that can be used against you, they live within their respective existences and make their own decisions.

In terms of your Courtwind Angel, you have been given amazing advice by all of the members, which echoes all of my advice & sentiments. Not only are the incredible members of the Forum here for you, but you can always reach out to us directly through support for any extra guidance and help. You could not find a more caring, knowledgeable, and supportive community than here in the Forum <3
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madgar29 wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2025 11:48 pm
Magnolia wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2025 5:58 pm It's okay, just for reassurance, I removed the description. You won't have anything to worry about, someone cannot take your spirit or entity companion from you if they have the information. Nor can they control you, get to you, or otherwise influence you because they have the information for your companion. Your spirit and entity companions aren't tools that can be used against you, they live within their respective existences and make their own decisions.

In terms of your Courtwind Angel, you have been given amazing advice by all of the members, which echoes all of my advice & sentiments. Not only are the incredible members of the Forum here for you, but you can always reach out to us directly through support for any extra guidance and help. You could not find a more caring, knowledgeable, and supportive community than here in the Forum <3
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THANK YOU @Magnolia . Great to know this about sharing companions info on forum.
madgar29 wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2025 11:49 pm
madgar29 wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2025 11:48 pm
Magnolia wrote: Wed Jan 08, 2025 5:58 pm It's okay, just for reassurance, I removed the description. You won't have anything to worry about, someone cannot take your spirit or entity companion from you if they have the information. Nor can they control you, get to you, or otherwise influence you because they have the information for your companion. Your spirit and entity companions aren't tools that can be used against you, they live within their respective existences and make their own decisions.

In terms of your Courtwind Angel, you have been given amazing advice by all of the members, which echoes all of my advice & sentiments. Not only are the incredible members of the Forum here for you, but you can always reach out to us directly through support for any extra guidance and help. You could not find a more caring, knowledgeable, and supportive community than here in the Forum <3
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I am late to the party :) and not really able to add much either. My experience with my Angels, about 10 Courtwinds 😇 are varies & individually different.

Most of them are actually silent and very much duty oriented. The living entities are showing up in their literal 'shining armour'. They all are very strong protectors and I do have electricity or static energy ⚡ around me, when they are active.

But that is just my own spontaneous, over all experiences. I included it because these things are comes to me without doing absolutely nothing.

Now, if I want to chat, I get into my chatting mode of telepathy mind. I can't really tell you how to do it. You might have to figure it yourself.

But a clue might be helpful here... Maybe try to take a nature walk, fast paced for 30 minutes, to the point of being puffed out, then sit down on a nearby bench and gaze into the air, or trees or anything that is beautiful and in front of you.

While you are at this relaxed mode, focus your thoughts on your Courtwind Angel and gently call her name..."Hello xxx, do you hear me? "
I take my writing note book with me for my park sessions as well, and at this stage I write down into my page that I just told you, to ask your angel if few can hear you.

Its powerful and spontaneous connection in my case, but I did practice back then to connect. I have written lots of note books, full of spirit chattings over the years.

Try to create a regular time, that your angel can expect to meet with you. Also, it'll helpful for you to be organised with your bonding sessions of your other companions. I usually date my notes and I allocated separate books for angels, dragon, ect.... Then I changed this up for group taskings.

And these days I added extra, as I am interview my companions and create a biography. Especially useful getting to know unbounds.

Anyway, I just thought I'll offer these few tips, on top of everyone's thoughts. It'll comes down to your personal preference. Try to be patient with yourself. All those bindings will be helpful that you bought along with your angel.

Light a scented candle, play some classical music, relaxing on a couch if you can't walk outside with the focus on your angel. Soon it'll forge a solid foundation to connect with her. If you can concentrate yourself each day for 5 minutes about the same time for a little bit of bonding. Eventually, you'll hear her chatting back to you.

Congratulations 🎊 you have made it to be a spirit keeper. 😂
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sunnydisconnected wrote: Tue Jan 07, 2025 2:02 pm I will post a detailed reply to your other points later, but for now, a quick reply to a point that seems urgent.

Jesus! I did not know that! Can any @moderator please edit my post, it's a humble request. I was not aware people could use this info to do anything to/with her.
No problem. I want to expand on some excellent points Magnolia made. It's important to note that people cannot use your companion to do anything to you. Or do anything to her. The binding prevents anyone from doing so. However, by sharing all of her information online, especially all at once like that, you inadvertently give people the chance to reach out to her as an unbound. That’s my main concern. And yes, it’s very possible.

Your companion is still bound to you, and her binding is protected. You have nothing to worry about that. Yet, others could use the information you provide to initiate contact with her. Just because many people claim they can't do this doesn't mean it's impossible for others. Keep this in mind.

Of course, we share snippets of information about companions all the time. Hehe. However, it’s more like a drip of water. A little bit here, a little bit there. This makes it challenging to create a clear contact point. But when you copy a complete, word-for-word description, it's different. That's all the ammunition one needs to reach out to her.

A clear example is that many forum members seek third parties to read their companions. While this practice is frowned upon by the CH forum, it still happens. Sharing about your companions is ok, of course, as we often do. It’s best to provide snippets rather than full descriptions. Some members share extensive details like what you did, but that usually occurs in the advanced member sections. Access to those areas is very limited, and the people who do can be counted, so it tends to be safer there.

Think about forum members’ experiences with bindings they wrote about on here as well. Some of them have old bindings from past practitioners, perhaps they've lost information of certain entities or their vessels. Other practitioners have been able to contact these same entities bound by different practitioners and even rebind them successfully. This is a real possibility.

So while it’s true that others won’t gain anything from your companion regarding you (unless your companion allows it), it's wise to be cautious. This part of the forum is also publicly accessible, meaning anyone can read it, even those without an account. Again, it’s just a precaution. Hehe. I just think Internet folks can read all about your Angel, not just forum members, so why give randos the ammunition, you know.

Gaining certain abilities to interact with spirits takes time and effort, especially when you weren't born with them. Be patient with yourself as you work on this. Even if your companions have reached out before, you may not have felt their energy at all. This is completely normal and nothing to worry about for new Spirit Keepers. Sensitivity to energy can vary. Don’t feel bummed about the whole situation. You should feel the opposite and know that your Angel is real, and you should reach out to her for bonding. You got this.
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i would like to remind some people. That spirit knows much much more than we do. In fact, mine will hold information from me that I am not suppose to know contstantly that or I never ask the right questions the correct way. spirit knows who their keeper is and has already made a promise/contract with you when you have ordered them from CH this is how i look at it. now ash or magnolia can correct me i am sure. but in my eyes the spirits are agreeing to help the human in their reality they are agreeing in my eyes it is like a legal binding contract. i am sure these contracts can of course be taken/broken/burnt.

all this being said. if some random person calls my spirit courtwind over to his house. The courtwind probably knew ahead of time. The courtwind may not even say hi to that person. but being WA let us just say they do. they go Hi. what you want? person says I want to hurt you or i want u to hurt your master. the courtwind is probably going to laugh and tell them not to call for them ever again.

Here is another side to this..... I know for a fact...... my keep is very much around me. and a lot of them. are like me they do not want to be bugged by an outsider. in fact i think @Hitthuginn may understand what i am saying and can explain it in a better way than me. but for example my black dragon or my female gorgons. They are very sweet on me perosnally and show me lots of love. but if a stranger were to come up any human. They might all get very quiet and go who the beep is that and start to get ready to strike if need be. the feelings i get from them myself is different than strangers. just b/c u think ur courtwind even is sweet on you dont expect them to be sweet on others or strangers.

I had the oppasite happen with my CH COURTWIND. my first courtwind is from a shop on etsy white fox coven. their spirits are great if you take away my sucubi experience. i dont think i will ever get over that i just hope SHE IS okay. anyways. the cortwind i got from WFC was a male. he is so quiet, always on guard watching. very vigilient. my ch corutwind was a female and man was she fiesty. always very quick witty her humor we would be silly in poking fun of each other laughing totally telepthic. of jokes going back and forth. she even woke me up one morning and i was so irony i said a very crude lewd joke and i was half a sleep i caught it the second she woke me up then i felt a poke or sting on one of my enrves in my arm. lol she wasnt trying to hurt me she is like hey watch it mister. and i was like okay okay stop. you know i didnt mean it. and she did. we were getting close. then i got covid. and i seemed to have lost the ability to talk to any of my spirits or her this way. i still am not able to free flow telepathy like i was to her...... NOTHING.....

so go from 100% to 0%. you feel defeated. i am being told its being withhold for my protection b/c of boundaries? i dunno..... i disagree with them even if it is for my own good. guess ill write a letter about my boundaries. if i can find paper and penicl if not ill type it out. but still.

many of us have issues with contact. from 0 to 100. or 100 to 0. Even the strongest of us...... i am not going to name drop anyone. but they are huge here in this community i mean huge. and they even admitted to having a very hard time connecting to certain spirits. so dont be discouraged. everyone gets moments of being disconnected to our meta pyshics. or magick. high stress and living a human life can easily take over spiritual joruney in my opinion.

when you are alone if you are able to, talk to your courtwind outloud as if she was there and do not stop. mediate 5-20minutes daily outloud give the mediation intent of wanting to bond/commune with your courtwind and just mediate do not expect a thing to happen if it happens experience it nothing more. dont push it. allow yourself to experience whatever it experiences. if nothing do it again tomorrow.

draws.... get a tea candle light it tell the courtwind this is for you an offering leave the candle lit until it burns out naturally u want to tell your spirit u will leave them alone with your offering in peace. good to do this before you meditate.

This offering of the lit candle is for blank, my name is blank, i wish to be your Keeper, and for you to be my companion. I will never force you into service. its a old shaman way im told. i just like it innately.

you do not have to do draws.

CH forums frowns upon people getting their keep readings? CH themselves offer this service..... i dunno if i agree with that either. i think if you can afford it you are more than welcome to pay for all the assistance u want.
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CH forums frowns upon people getting their keep readings? CH themselves offer this service..... i dunno if i agree with that either. i think if you can afford it you are more than welcome to pay for all the assistance u want.
Sideline comment (I do not want to derail this topic):
There are many topics that discuss this, and the nutshell version is, you should have the practitioner/conjurer who paired you with your companion be the person who provides the reading of your companion. Spirits & entities are not required to speak to other practitioners (or anyone else), and any ethical binding for a companion will not force them to do so. Any practitioner/conjurer who provides protective bindings for the companion in order to safeguard their privacy, means any outside practitioner or person may not be able to read the spirit or entity at all. Which, potentially, could lead to the incorrect companion or an unbound being read instead if the practitioner doesn't realize protective measures are in place and the companion doesn't wish to speak with them.

There is over a decade of posts related to this situation, so in order not to derail this topic, please use the search to find the threads and understand more about the topic.
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Hitthuginn wrote: Mon Jan 06, 2025 4:07 pm Getting a 3 body binding does enhance the potential strength of the binding but it's NOT a guarantee that you will feel anything out of the gate. You still have to put the work in with connection and bonding. Personally, I tend to bond with my spirits a while before doing the 3 body binding, or resort to that after I have put work in if communication is still challenging.

Let me put it this way; you've strapped on a rocket thruster but it still hasn't reached escape velocity to do its job. If you aren't already in tune with all 3 of your bodies together, then a 3 body binding isn't going to produce noticeable difference. Don't be discouraged by this, but treat it as motivation to put in the effort to bonding with A. You may find that she is quicker to bond with thanks to the binding.
Okay, thanks for that analogy about the rocket. I've already asked you about how to utilize the 3 bodies, I'll also look it up on CH and see how it can be done to help to speed up the process.
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Tarvos wrote: Mon Jan 06, 2025 5:44 pm
sunnydisconnected wrote: Mon Jan 06, 2025 3:59 pm And I don't feel S*IT!

Yeah, I mean I was pretty excited, and "pretty" is a small word. I was "extremely" excited. And you know the worst part? I ordered the full package, I mean the add-ons, I selected the "Triple Power Add-On Package" that has "Charging Energy", "Full Moon Boost" and "3 Body Binding".
I specifically selected the "3 body binding" because I've read people swear it increases the connection extremely, but unfortunately, I did not felt a SINGLE THING.

No "STATIC ENERGY", No "DREAM VISIT" no nothing.

I asked "CH" people that, and they confirmed bonding/biding is done.

Can anyone please tell me what is going on? What is wrong with me? Why haven't I felt a single thing DESPITE selecting "3 body binding" and more importantly, how do I go about feeling it? (The connection/her presence and all)

Any help anyone please? I am extremely bummed, feels like it all was for nothing :-(
Were you born with the ability to see and hear spirits? If not, don’t worry. You might not feel anything on the first day. You need to bond with your spirits to create that special connection.

What about your other two bodies? If you can’t feel them, then the 3-body binding will take some time before you notice anything.

From what I’ve seen in your threads, this isn’t your first spirit. If you haven’t connected with your first Djinn, it’s likely you won’t feel much from your Angel either. That’s totally fine. It just means you need a little more time to develop those abilities and senses.

Every person’s journey is different. Some may take a few weeks, while others might take years or even decades. So why not start bonding with your Angel and Djinn now? Building that connection is the first step.

Don’t be discouraged just because you can’t sense anything yet. Many people have high expectations, and I don't get it. Is it human impatience? Back in my day, I bought 8 entities without knowing if they were the real deal. I didn’t feel or see anything, and I had no one to ask for help. But I kept going.

Soon enough, I established a clear channel to communicate with my beings. You guys have it easier now! You can post your questions and get quick answers from fellow members. Plus, you’re buying from a credible source like CH, so your spirit is undoubtedly real. Remember, it’s not “all for nothing." Just call on her and bond so she knows where to find you when you need support.

You don't need to worry about tuning into your other bodies. Those are very advanced skills. The 3-body binding can work just fine without that. Just relax and have fun with your companions. You’ll see great results along the way.

And a little tip for the future: try not to share a full description of your companions, even if it’s not including a name. People can find her. If you want, you can ask a mod to edit your original post. You've got this.
Okay time for a proper reply, my last post was rushed. Thank you. Yes, you're right I was sorta having high expectations and that's why the disappointment, but you're right, I'll work on it.
I understand that CH is a reputable source that's why I did not outright think that I was "scammed" but that it's wasn't what I had expected the "3 body binding" will do, but now I get that I need to work and be attuned to my 3 bodies to utilize, which is a slight bummer, but a great lesson learned in a long run. I understand I may not need them, but later down the line they will be required (like I hinted on that other post in a separate thread) but will discuss that separately in another thread IF and WHEN required. So, I'll skip it for now.

And no, I have not yet established any connection with "Bismil" as well (the Djinn) I will work on establishing connection and see how it goes. I might also share the updates on this forum/thread to get the inputs from senior members like yourself.

And yes, yours was a very challenging journey, dealing with 50 unbounds a day or more initially. I can't even imagine what that must be like. But you kept on going with any such support system like CH or anything to bond and continue down your path, it sure is a testament to your dedication and strength. So, yes, I'll try to have some (at least twice in a month, every alternate weekend) a meditation session of sort to do the bonding and see how it goes from there.

Also, @CHModerator / @Moderator can anyone please edit the post and remove the description?
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Blazeking3 wrote: Mon Jan 06, 2025 10:30 pm Hi sunny, first I would like to congratulate you for your first Courtwind Angel:)

I'm also new to spirit keeping. My first spirit was and is still till now a Courtwind Angel. I know how excited it could be and even I was the day they arrive. I also have to develop much things because everything seemed to be very rushed in my life at that point where I get mine and I just wanted to make everything perfect for the two of us.
I consider myself not being really new to all of the spiritual/paranormal thing, because I had to learn it in the way, when people thought it would be funny, to try harming and terrorizing me and my family with, what I think was BA magick... Or really, really DA at least.

So, what I would like to say is, I never heard them talking until now, maybe saw shadows etc. evil things back then. I also think it's easier to see/feel the bad then the good. Don't forget that humans are, as I was reading DA beings. So, I think to even have a deeper connection to my Courtwind Angel it needs more "synchronization" on that line to be on the same level in the difference of WA and DA. I'm really happy that I have my Angel and can feel him sometimes picking or striping my hair on the head, or feel him on my right arm as a beautiful warmth touch. It's not like warm water or anything you could compare to our physical known world. But I know he is here, and I talk to him every night with his vessel, try to meditate as good as possible and give offerings because I really like to share things and make people or in this case spirits happy :D

And as a person who had first only to deal with bad things when it came to magick or spirits there is one thing that I learned, where the "bad" is there is also the good! Have trust in you! I know it takes a lot of time and investing but I think, it really is worth the investment, for you for your spirits and your higher self. Also, I consider myself as not so patient sometimes, but what I made to my inner mantra is: Nothing comes from nothing, but you can reach nearly anything as long as you work on it :) I would like to have you motivated and just to think about them! They are there and, in my way, I think the best thing is, I never have to be lonely or alone ever again in my life! All good for you and your path.
Thank you for your input. It's not really a vessel but direct body binding, so I'll just try to meditate and see how it goes.
Alaric wrote: Tue Jan 07, 2025 1:41 am
Hitthuginn wrote: Mon Jan 06, 2025 4:07 pm [...]You still have to put the work in with connection and bonding.[...]

Don't be discouraged by this, but treat it as motivation to put in the effort to bonding with A. [...]
I do empathise with your situation...however, it's simply just true that we need to take our own steps in learning how to connect & communicate with our spirit companions.

If you're someone who has successfully, regularly been able to feel your spirits, their energies; communicate well with them, see them...then, if one spirit companion draws a blank, it's very likely you have a block with this one being. Blocks can be very subtle & are so easy to form, even if we know about them.

If on the other hand, you're new to trying to connect/communicate with spirits, yes, we really do need to do it ourselves. I'll give a few recommendations below.

These 2 CH articles have excellent advice about communication, blocks etc. ... artlang=en ... artlang=en

Connecting with a spirit companion

There doesn't seem to be a one-size-fits-all approach to this.

However one common method is simply sitting quietly for between 5-15 minutes daily, without interruption, while holding the companion's vessel. You can ask yourself: what does this vessel feel like? What does this spirit do? What does this spirit look like?

Then pay attention to whatever subtle thoughts, images or impressions arise. It can help to make some notes after each session. When looking back at these notes you might notice a pattern to them, which may be a sign of how your spirit is trying to communicate.

I've found that, once I've spotted their subtle signal / image etc, they notice that I've noticed and do a bit more and this way the channel opens up. There's a mutual trust thing going on too. Once the link/channel has been established, you can both trust using it. That has been my experience fwiw.

It helps to empty yourself of any expectations and of any comparison with what others seem to have experienced. This is rather like what Buddhists call beginner's mind. We can each experience our own way of connecting.

I'd like to say it's not as hard nor as incredible an achievement as we might build it up to be in our minds. Humans have been doing it since before records began. And there are probably many millions of people across the world who are speaking to the spirits of deceased love ones, without ever having taken a psychic development class in their life.

It has been said here before that some spirit keeper Forum members have found themselves unable to communicate/see/hear/feel their spirits for years. In that case, as it's explained in the CH article on Spirit Keeping Tips, we can simply go through the same motions and still get the benefits. ... nners.html
Okay, I'm getting a hang of it. Remove expectations, keep working and bonding and it will take it's time but things will come around. Thank you for all the links though, I have gone though them and while the advise is majorly which most of the people in one way or the other pointed out, it is still good to have those consolidated view and work as mentioned.
I'll dig deeper into those links dissecting every bit and see how I can apply those to myself to establish connection with A.
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