Getting rid of parasites

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What @Tarvos and some others have said is quite spot on.

Parasites need a food source, as with many things that want to feed off you. So, do what you can you do in your own life to make positive changes? Take a look at your habits, thought patterns, surroundings. What do you allow into yourself? Who do you allow yourself to associate with?

What are your friends like? Do they expand you or enable you? What thoughts are you feeding about yourself and others? Victim mentality and lack of responsibility is a comfort zone. Ask yourself questions like what small step can you take in the now to feel more in control of your life in a healthy way?

These may seem inconsequential but they all play a part in your mental/physical/spiritual hygiene.

I also might add that with the new Pluto transit, now is a perfect time to make some necessary lifestyle changes. This isn't just for you, but for anyone this could apply to. Transform, destroy, renovate and rebirth whatever needs it in your life now.

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Zaman7 wrote: Fri Nov 22, 2024 8:41 pm Attunements/empowerments are great for removal, cleansing, healing, and protection. You can run them whenever you like.
With parasite problems, you need constant protection and regular cleansing; it is costly to depend on others for that.

As someone who had always preferred others doing the job for them when it comes to things like cleansing, healing etc I never liked empowerments, chi balls, and anything I had to partake in receiving and doing. I also didn’t trust myself enough, because “what if I’m not receiving them correctly” haunted me 😣

But - but I gave it a shot and I saw results. If you are sensitive to energies you’ll feel it upon receiving and running each time. If you’re not, you’ll still see results if it succeeds. I say “if”, not when, because with all things meta, nothing is guaranteed.

Dragon Shaman has an extensive library of empowerments by him and other creators. I recommend the Sage Orb Empowerment as a starter. It’s not expensive and it’s a powerful tool. But what I recommend is writing to Dragon Shaman and explain your situation. Ask him for empowerments recommendations. He does have free attunements as well.

Charles RQL has a few attunements but what I recommend is the Autorunner; a tool that helps utilize some attunements to do a lot of things. I use it to run attunements 24/7. This is extremely efficient for protection and cleansing if your issues run deep and need thorough removal. It doesn’t work with all attunements from every creator. It does work with Dragon Shaman’s though.

If you still want a practitioner’s insight and help:

Dragon Shaman. He has Shamanic Ritual by Donation. You can also get Spiritual Investigation; a divination option to get to the roots of your situation.
If you join his Discord, you get a discount code. But check with him first if this code still available.

Charles RQL has his own divination and custom work services. He is great at giving lengthy answers and dedicated to providing professional help but might not answer immediately, depending on his schedule.

Aziz Shaman. I hesitate recommending him for various reasons, one of them is that he isn’t great with answering emails and doesn’t offer thorough explanations so you will not know how many sessions is needed or what he had done. He does get the job done though.
He also offers crystal kits, orbs, and empowerments.
You can order Remote Shamanic Healing, then write an email explaining your problem. He will perform the healing and after that, if you still feel you need another session then order another. If not, you can get the Healing Orb; healing servitor that reproduces upon activation and the healing runs for an hour.
Or order Magick Kits but I haven’t tried ordering those from him so I don’t know about shipping.

Vyrtous Breath: directly email her and ask about parasite removal service. She does offer many healing options but personally, I didn’t see much benefit from them, except the parasite removal. This was many years ago though. She is also WA and some of her methods are sort of religion based.

Eden’s Apple offers parasite removal with Beelzebub. They do a scan first if you request it and the fee gets included in the removal service.

Lisa MTT offers spell casting and you can specify the number of days. Like get a casting for 30 days in a row. She has cleansing services but not parasite removal specifically. Lisa is great at answering questions so try your luck and see.
Sorry I missed your post and could not reply (but I am getting a sense that I definitely wrote it, because I remember agreeing to your point about CharlesRQL giving lengthy answers. Did any moderator removed it? If they did, please tell me why was it removed so I learn not to make the same mistake again).

Thank you for all the references that you provided, I had referred to a couple of them, (The Beelzebub from Eden's Apple, and Talked to Dragaon Shamon, not related to this parasite but more of a general discussion). And like I said, I can attest to lengthy answers of Charles.

I will look at the options just to explore while also keeping in mind and practice self service that others have suggested.
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Jupiter wrote: Wed Nov 27, 2024 8:21 pm What @Tarvos and some others have said is quite spot on.

Parasites need a food source, as with many things that want to feed off you. So, do what you can you do in your own life to make positive changes? Take a look at your habits, thought patterns, surroundings. What do you allow into yourself? Who do you allow yourself to associate with?

What are your friends like? Do they expand you or enable you? What thoughts are you feeding about yourself and others? Victim mentality and lack of responsibility is a comfort zone. Ask yourself questions like what small step can you take in the now to feel more in control of your life in a healthy way?

These may seem inconsequential but they all play a part in your mental/physical/spiritual hygiene.

I also might add that with the new Pluto transit, now is a perfect time to make some necessary lifestyle changes. This isn't just for you, but for anyone this could apply to. Transform, destroy, renovate and rebirth whatever needs it in your life now.

Freedom is responsibility, not lack of.
Although your entire post is great, the final line just hit the nail on the head.

The good thing is, I have recently started noticing change in certain aspect of my life, either it's happening at a subconscious level and manifesting physically, or my higher/spiritual guides/mentors and others are nudging me towards a slightly better path, I am noticing certain changes in my "though patterns" as you precisely pointed out.
As for my associates and colleagues, Jesus Christ that's something I gotta change! And I'm working on it, but that's a long process (don't wanna go into my job complication and things like that at the moment, it would take way too much time to make even a little bit of sense).
But yes, apart from that as in a general direction I'm heading in a positive direction from what I sense.

And definitely, Freedom is responsibility, not lack of. I truly understand that and will work for actively towards more positive outlook.
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Just an update to everyone who provided their valuable input, about mindset, positivity and many other things. I am grateful for all your suggestion, and like I mentioned in my previous post, I am noticing some subtle changes.
BUT after a lot of consideration, I did end up getting it removed. I was just something that like Travos said kept gnawing at me even since I came to know about it. So maybe before it was doing less damage, but the awareness about its existence might have triggered a more negative flow as somehow I subconsciously became worried about it sucking me off. I am not discarding any of the advise about the positive outlook and mindset and all, that I am incorporating in my life and have noticed some changes in habits (thing that I used to do or draw me in, that were harmful for my mental health do not tempt me anymore, or do it very less often).
But yeah, that's the latest update.
In case any one's wondering I got the "Removal of Parasite/Leech" service offered by Fay's Spiritual Haven (enchantedemporium, there is a thread about her in the "Seller Review" section of CH).
And I confirmed the removal from Brianna of "TheIvoryPagan" (there is also a thread about her in the "Seller Review" section of CH. She is such a sweet lady, but I'll post her review in the relevant forum).
On a side note, I did end up getting one of her "Energy Eaters" who don't specialize in protection but do make it harder for parasites to get attached to you. So all in all a weight of my body (literally) and my mind.
Thanks everyone who provided their input.
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sunnydisconnected wrote: Wed Nov 20, 2024 2:55 pm [...]I did a reading a while ago and I was told there's an astral parasite leeching on my (astral) body. And it was not a scare tactic because I've got it confirmed by 1 other seller, who is very reputed in CH community as well (there are many threads/posts about her). I know don't have any protection, so it possible it could have happened. I am planning of getting some protection spirits (will open another thread in the Protection forum)
Does any one has any suggestions / recommendation which one of these should I go for? Or if there is anything better or some other suggestion?
This is a late response to the original post - and I haven't read your other thread - but how about a CH Volkh? In the CH order notes you could ask specifically for one that can remove parasites and other attachments. They may well all be able to help with such things but there's no harm in making a specific request. ... ght=+volkh
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