CH Illuminatis service

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Hello friends,

Does anyone have experience with academic option ?

If so how to fully benefit from the service ?and how much time does it take to experience that which is mentioned in the service description ?
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chanfara wrote: Sun Jan 19, 2025 10:12 am Hello friends,

Does anyone have experience with academic option ?

If so how to fully benefit from the service ?and how much time does it take to experience that which is mentioned in the service description ?
I don't have it but I want to point out that we each respond uniquely to services & bindings, so it's very hard to answer that for any one person. Some people may even experience nothing but still benefit. Some may not notice how the benefit has materialised.
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What does it do?
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Crossover93 wrote: Wed Jan 22, 2025 8:31 am What does it do?
This may seem obvious but actually if you search the CH Shop for the term Illuminatis Service (the title of this thread) you'll see the description of what it does. There are 2 main options, from memory, when placing an order: Apprentice & Academic.
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@Alaric Lemme change my question. How has this affected you!?
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Crossover93 wrote: Thu Jan 23, 2025 7:05 am @Alaric Lemme change my question. How has this affected you!?
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Crossover93 wrote: Thu Jan 23, 2025 7:05 am @Alaric Lemme change my question. How has this affected you!?
Ok, I see. But I don't have the CH Illuminatis service.

If I did I would mention a general point that people do respond differently to CH services & bindings, as has often been said in this Forum. This is due to a number of factors. It has also often been said that it's a good idea to not compare our own experiences to what others seem to have had. It can cause a block in the way of our own experience.

Related to this is the advice to avoid having expectations. This is close the Buddhist idea of 'beginner's mind'.

I hope this info is useful.

The best tips for getting the most out of a CH magical binding or service is in the CH articles. The first one explains exactly how to connect with, summon and task a binding. This is no small thing, to my mind, as it really can help get the most from a binding. In a way, what a binding or service will do or how it will affect us, is not a set, predictable thing at all. We can influence that greatly by how actively we engage with and use it.

See ... nners.html ... vices.html ... agick.html
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