Dreamshare Binding and Telepathy Enhancer Binding from CH

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Livvie Locke-Morley
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I just ordered these two bindings for my Vampire P. to make it easier to communicate. Has anybody of you any experience with these two spells? I would love to hear, how these spells helped you in bonding :8)
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I normally don't purchase the add-ons when I purchase a conjuration. But with the last conjuration I bought, I made the exception and bought the dream share, telepathy and pairing. (For a human) It's too early to tell yet, though I'm curious to know the results. I'm sure I'll write more about it later, if granted the OK from my companion.

I do have the standalone telepathy spell, though it isn't for any specific race. It helps. Working with the spell and your abilities , with practice will give results.
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The dreamshare binding has produced the occasional lucid dream of the relevant companion or companions, and the telepathy enhancer makes our communications a bit more natural with back-and-forth telepathic messages becoming easier to discern. Well worth the money, I have something like 20 spirit kits because of these little bindings
I wear the sun. Reflect me in yourself, and yourself in me. - H, Cleopatra Djinn and Queen of my spirit family
Do not struggle against your emotions. Feel them. They are real. They exist. Then they will pass. - L, Kinnara
Don't stay angry if you don't know why. - R, Orange Dragon
Red! No, Green. Or Blue! - I, Waif Faery (when asked what occupation she would have)
H-I-T-T-H-U-G-I-N-N - L, Air Faery saying her favorite animal via pendulum
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Livvie Locke-Morley
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Thank you for your answers. I would love the spells to help me with communication, because I am still, after 11 years in the paranormal quite deaf and blind to spirit and entity communication.
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Livvie Locke-Morley wrote: Fri Jan 24, 2025 4:33 am Thank you for your answers. I would love the spells to help me with communication, because I am still, after 11 years in the paranormal quite deaf and blind to spirit and entity communication.
11 years? That's a really difficult situation. I'm in a similar situation as you (it's only been 4 years). I'm ready to do anything to change it but I can't find a way. Can you let me know if the bindings work for you?
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Livvie Locke-Morley
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() I will definitely let you know, if they do
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