TV Dragons; What do your Dragons say?

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Keriix Lunaria wrote: Sun Dec 22, 2024 8:31 am
I’ve not watched the Game of Thrones, but I have watched the movie How To Train Your Dragon and its sequels together with my dragons. They love my excitement whenever I proclaim how majestic and awesome they are. Dragons are just awesome ❤️
I love that series of movies so much. I used to have the books as well, but I donated them to my friend's sons a few years ago.

I also have a couple of hand made toothless plushies... the largest has a 4ft wingspan, the smallest fits in the palm of my hand.
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I will say this! I've been watching a lot of movies with my keep lately! I mentioned one from my childhood and they chose that over another. The film was called Reign of Fire about dragons! I asked one of the dragons in my keep M what she thought the species of dragon is in the movie. At first I was think drake but she mentioned it to be a wyvern. It was dead on after confirming haha. It was interesting asf! They also liked dragon heart.
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Ha! I was just thinking about Skyrim then decided to go through all of my unread stuff and found this. 😂

I don't have any dragons, but I've always loved dragons.

I can absolutely see why'd they roll their eyes at the random dragon attacks, but what about Paarthurnax? He's old, wise, and noble! I've hardly ever seen anyone who didn't love him! 😭 Though I'm sure he's seen differently through the eyes of an actual dragon.
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