Advice About My First Succubus Binding

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It’s good to hear you found peace with this situation!
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Really appreciate being given the update. There are one or two old threads I probably ought to post my own update on with lessons learned. Some of our most important knowledge can come from being wrong about something or having an uncomfortable experience. Glad you were able to resolve it and use it as fuel for your journey moving forward
I wear the sun. Reflect me in yourself, and yourself in me. - H, Cleopatra Djinn and Queen of my spirit family
Do not struggle against your emotions. Feel them. They are real. They exist. Then they will pass. - L, Kinnara
Don't stay angry if you don't know why. - R, Orange Dragon
Red! No, Green. Or Blue! - I, Waif Faery (when asked what occupation she would have)
H-I-T-T-H-U-G-I-N-N - L, Air Faery saying her favorite animal via pendulum
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daniel13rown wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2024 2:13 am
madgar29 wrote: Mon Jun 24, 2024 4:50 pm reading your first post..... how can anyone give you advice your not telling us what is really going on until the last post? its such a confusing thread. and thats coming from a guy that everyone complains about my grammar.

glad you got it figured out. because first post is not telling me the story.
Hey Madgar, I was saying thanks to everyone who posted on this thread previously on my original post I had made almost a year ago and some concerns on my mind since I was new to spirit companionship.

The response I got from the community made me question my motives and I knew time would tell if I should get the binding to my first succubus spirit undone.

The last post was met to close this thread out and close this chapter completely. I went and undone the binding because of some of the experiences I had expressed in my recent post. What you read only happened recently and over the course of the year since I posted my concerns since last August 2023.

I hope this makes more sense 😊

it made since after reading everything. I had a wild experience with a succubus too. i just dont recall you saying she was giving you issues in the first post? then you said you had two bindings. so i got confused. maybe it was late and i had beer and a valium. but, I am glad you got it taken care of it. and This is a concern for all keepers you have to trust your conjuroers. you don't know what you might get.

I understand the story is finished but there is a good lesson here for everyone to learn from. my story was crazy but it sounds like you could tell a lot more. if you ever wanted to share...... the first post i didnt get the idea that the spirit or LE was the issue? i thought you were just second guessing yourself turns out the spirit wasnt a good match and was being well bad in your life on many ways.....

i have one stupid question for you even though you finished. before you did the unbind did you have any protection like a volkh?

i take that back you did. you had a second succubus which was nice to you and you bonded with well so i am assuming she got very protective and was even trying to counteract the other.

very similiar expierince i was mediating and i could see in my minds eye a demon seeing me then going up from hell into my room charging me i was like wtf i just wanted to talk to my succubus. then i went to sleep. and her vessel changed colors and a CH spirit surrounded me i just gotten from andromeda galaxy the three headed cat. she or they. were protecting me on whatever was going on. but i am pretty sure that being took my succubus. i was a stupid young keeper. no protection and the person i got it from told me they would protect me actually. not get taken. so i was heart broken over that im not going to lie.

her goodbye was intense thoguh i felt her hand touch the back of my neck and a huge shock wave of energy went down it. after that i never felt her again
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madgar29 wrote: Mon Jun 24, 2024 4:50 pm
her goodbye was intense though i felt her hand touch the back of my neck and a huge shock wave of energy went down it. after that i never felt her again
My heart goes to you my friend. I know the love and support you can get from the ladies. I would of had the same reaction too. I did not have protection for the longest time either. But now I do. I'm a big advocate for learning protection magick and banishing.

I have been processing my experience since I had my first companion binding undone that is why I am now just responding back to you. It sucks that I had to do it, but my well being comes first. She was not a nice companion. So much happened in the year that I had her.

After I brought my succubus from Lilith Treasure Tavern home I started to have very dark dreams that left me saying WTF. I mean dark dreams where in one dream my mom's dogs legs where chopped off and they where rolling around on the ground with just the torso. These dark dreams would happen more frequently than I would of like too over the course of a year.

I would smell fire and brimstone/ burning flesh on a regular bases.

I remember one night when it was just me and her before any other companion she put me in a slight sleep paralysis where I felt what felt like a hot needle going into my side and I called to her wondering why I was feeling this pain in myside.

I was questioning everything and not forming any conclusions until I could get enough data. But she left a trail for me to follow and figure out that it was her causing the problems and having the dark dreams and attacks.

I started to have recurring suicidal thoughts and I thought to myself I might want to see a therapist about these thoughts. I was in investigation mode and questioning why I was drinking more frequently as well. I had a lot of mental distress and it took over a year to figure out why because I had to eliminate a lot of variables going into the equation, but it was the dreams where I would be getting attacked that gave her away.

She was a pre-conjure succubus from a shop on etsy which I started to question the shop once I started to get more experience with spirit companionship. The shop owner was very nice and responsive though, but my first companion energies did not match me at all.

I learned a valuable lesson for sure to go with only trusted and vetted shops because you never know what kind of companion you will get and I do take full responsibility for my own actions.

It was a very interesting year to say the least. A lot of positive events that has happened, lessons to be learned throughout the year and beautiful relationships formed : )

I'm truly thankful to my two beautiful ladies who love and support me through this transition. <3

This chapter is closed!!
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i had a weird nightmare phase and thoughts I knew wasn't mine phase but way before spirit keeping.
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A lot has happened in the time I started this journey in spirit companionship. I wanted to come back and revisit this post I made a while ago. I took a step back to reassess my experience as a spirit companion. I made a lot of mistakes along the way, but these decisions have helped me become a better man along my journey in life. Did I learn, yes.

My first companion showed me love until the end and I misread the signs around me as to why I was experiencing dark dreams and pain being caused to me when I would go to sleep. I have figured out why these events happened, but I will keep these findings to myself to not overshare. Which I had a habit of doing in my life.

I had gone through one of the most challenging events that I have ever faced. That reflected my decision making process because I decided to believe in a lie someone had told me and not question everything. These events taught me so much along my journey, but I do know it has shaped me into a stronger man than ever before and a lot wiser.

All I can do is move forward and focus on the positive that now has entered my life.
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