If you could get any character servitor, what would it be and what for?

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Livvie Locke-Morley
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Your favorite spirit to work with: Sanguine Vampire
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My super power would be...: Ability to fly
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I would definitely get "Caleb Morley" from Port Charles, and honestly, I would like to have him for romantic hours :8)
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Mr. Amnesia
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I know that Charles from Rosequartzlabyrinth has a servitor section on his site. He's known more for his unique attunements and training listings for spirits that I haven't seen any other seller have compared to him. He can do custom ones as well as having some preset ones: King Arthur and Merlin, with several other variations of them too. Charles has also mentioned them having equivalent of souls but you'll have better idea if you look at his site for that.

One other one would be candiislittlemeta I believe who also does custom servitors, some of which are pokemon. A topegi for energy boost, jirachi for spell enhancement, and jigglypuff for sleep aid. To the person who wanted a pikachu, I'm sure she could absolutely do a pikachu set for protection with a lightning element in its template. I find her to be a good seller overall, but I only meet her for custom realms and spirit communications.
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My super power would be...: See spirits in true form

Tarvos wrote: Fri Jan 31, 2025 3:34 pm Maybe I’d choose Josephine from Dragon Age: Inquisition. She seems cool and capable of managing my stuff. She could even help me become rich. Haha. I’ll definitely keep her in mind if I decide to create a character servitor in the future. Man, all these juicy options.
I would dare say that Skyrim is cozy. 😌 It's a pretty big comfort game for me.

Though Josephine. 👀 Das a good one~! I always liked talking to her in the game. She'd definitely help you a ton, probably in multiple aspects especially if you want to play the diplomatic political side of things. Even in your work place. Which sounds terrifying yet intriguing. 😂

I'd be more inclined to get Varric. Who doesn't love him? I'd just want to talk to him. Feel his comforting presence. 😌 I've always been interested in writing, I'm good at coming up with ideas and characters, but struggle with the actual writing, so he'd definitely help me. 😂
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Seraphina Beryl
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From the Skyrim world, I'd choose Jenassa lol She's fierce, loyal, an excellent assassin and is disciplined..and keeps going even with an arrow in her head 😅 not to mention dark elves are awesome.

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