
~ 0 min
2016-07-08 19:32




The Volkh is a shape-shifting guardian that can take the appearance of any living creature or non-living object. It is what makes them one of the FIERCEST guardians in the world... not to mention their highly skilled magical powers.

They are hunters of anything evil or malicious seeking it out and devouring it without a moment's notice. They have the powers of Uncrossing, Jinx-Breaking, Healing, Cleansing, Controlling, Banishing, and Protection.

They defend their Keeper under any and all circumstances and protect their Keeper's physical and spiritual bodies. They attach themselves to their Keeper and keep watch at all times for anyone or anything trying to cause them ill will or negative energy.

They are highly in tune with their Keeper and can block all evil charms. They work to keep their Keeper's spiritual body clean of all bad aura and will take on any shape, size, creature or being to protect their Keeper.


Originates: Earthen Realm


Occupies: Earthen & Spiritual Realms
see Realms page for more information


They have the powers of Uncrossing, Jinx-Breaking, Healing, Cleansing, Controlling, Banishing and Protection.


uncrossing, healing, cleansing, controlling, banishing, protection


See available listings: Volkh


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Weekday Tuesday
Planet Mars
Month March
Gemstone Ruby
Color Silver
Foliage Petunia
Animal Owl
Scent Freesia
Herb Hyssop

Associations can be used to create a closer connection with the entity. By recognizing their associations with the Earth and Universe you can use any combination of these tools to create treats, rituals, and bonding exercises between you.

You can purchase candles, incense, cones, oils, sprays, etc scented with the Scent, Herb, or Foliage they are associated with. You can purchase statuary, paintings, prints, textiles, etc with the Color, Animal, or Foliage they are associated with and keep them in your home where the entity will see them.

To boost their presence and give them a natural feeding of Earthen core energy you can buy raw, polished or cut specimens of the Gemstone they are associated with. Place the gemstones where you keep their vessel or wear the jewelry with the gemstones when you wear the vessel.

To have peak results it is best to meditate, perform rituals, invocations or spells for the entity on the Weekday they are associated with. The Month they are associated with is a block of time to celebrate and show your appreciation for your entity!


? Treats are not required for Volkhs.


?  Serious, Focused, Protective, Guardian
? Can manifest as orbs, animals, dreams, day and/or night visions.
Average size: Large 1-15 ft
read Size page for more information
Lifespan: Extended: 1,000+ years
They have been assigned an "Extended" lifespan, read Lifespan page for more information

Average rating 4.78 (27 Votes)

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